Quadraginta Duo

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A/N: ⚠TW!⚠ blood, violence and abuse mentioned.


He had had the opportunity of witnessing the ability of his daughter a few times, but he had never seen those markings on the girl's body before. And those eyes, he had only seen those eyes once on that day. That fateful day that led to this fateful encounter. 

"Rei, you heard him, there is no cure. Ren can't be saved, it's his life at the cost of others." Shou lowered his gun, he knew bullets wouldn't make any difference.

"You're the one to talk. You're the reason why this happened. You're the roots of everything that had happened!" 

The golden markings flared up like flames, matching the sparks in her blackish eyes. They were exactly alike to the orbs he saw that day, just before the fire started. But one thing he was sure then, that the damage would be 10 times greater.

Rei sped up, clashing with Kane who stepped up to stand between her and Shou. He had never witnessed such power from her, he never thought she had such potential. If anything, she was the actual perfect test subject for the virus with that ability. Though he was thrown back hard, he couldn't help that smirk creeping on his face when he crawled back up.

Kane couldn't even manage to stand firmly before she sent him flying back with her spin kick. His back hit the wall, aching like hell. Still, even pain couldn't wipe that smirk off his lips.

"I wonder if you are the one to have the 100% match..." He coughed up blood while saying.

"You won't be alive to find out about it." 

It played in front of his eyes like slow motion film. From the first movement of the punch when she raised her fist, to the movement of her arm stretching out, and finally was the fist about to collide with his front. It happened in just a second, but his eyes were able to catch everything. 

But it happened right when he was transported to a spot further away from the aim of that punch. All he could see was the smashed wall with dust piling up in the air. He was just as surprised as her. By any means, it was more likely that the space between Rei and Kane was stretched out.

The collision left her knuckles bleeding, but the blood flow stopped in mere seconds, and slowly the wound stitched itself back, changing shades from blood red to pale pink, turning from a deep cut to a visible scar. The golden markings glimmered like sun lights hitting ocean waves, surfing in gold, gently on her skin.

However, the main attraction was not how she healed herself almost instantly, but the ability that just saved Kane from a dreadful ending.

She had seen it before, on the night she was supposed to meet with Shishio.

Going by the expression of Kane, he was not the one with the ability, which narrowed the possibility down to be only one person.

"Hattori Shou, the user with the ability of space warping."

She had always thought that her father was a normal human being. He had never used his ability once in her presence, she doubted he ever used his ability before. He called it abnormality, he hated it. And how ironic when himself possessed it.

Rei turned her head back to face the man standing behind. His eyes were dark, just like her. He was just as determined as she was.

"I don't want to kill you, Rei."

"Why all of a sudden? You've nearly killed me multiple times in the past."

Ironic, his expression, his sayings, his actions, they spoke of a hypocrite. 

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