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She couldn't make out the shouting in the distance, her ears buzzed in spite of her desperate attempt to listen. Her mind was in a race, her heart too if being honest. Rei was just a second away from bursting out of fear.

"Chuuya-kun, it is decided."

"Why is it decided?! Why do I have to use Corruption?!"

"It's for her own good, if she manages through you then the task will be a piece of cake."

She stood outside wondering again how Mori could sound so calm while discussing such matter.

"You're putting us in danger by forcing her to train with Corruption. I can't control myself when I use Corruption!"

"Dazai will be watching you two while the fight takes place."


"The decision is already made, Chuuya. This is an order."


She knew he wouldn't go against Mori just because of such things as training with her. He had been doing so for months, what difference did it make? But the fact that she would be facing Arahabaki instead of him in the next training was the biggest difference to her.

Dazai said she had made progress through the past 2 weeks of training, yet she could still hear the dissatisfaction in his voice. Then how could she win against Arahabaki? As for Chuuya, his leg was still broken and the use of Corruption would only worsen his condition. It was either dead or alive.

The drawing footsteps brought her back to the reality. Rei dashed out of the hallway immediately, she wasn't supposed to be there and eavesdropping only made things worse. She ran and ran until she collided into a figure. They both fell hard on the floor.


She bumped into a Mafia Executive - Ozaki Kouyou.

"I-I'm sorry, Kouyou-san!"

The woman in the kimono stood up with such elegance that Rei found herself even more embarrassed then. She only knew to bow her apology until the other one stopped her.

"No need for that, Rei-chan." Kouyou placed her hand on the trembling shoulder of the girl, successfully stopping it from moving.

"Why were you running?"

"I-I...I was..." Her mind was in a jumble, broken sentences were the only thing that came out of her mouth.

"Yes?" Kouyou leaned in closer.

"I was looking for..."



The moment she heard his voice, that little her heart of hers leapt into her throat. Rei pulled around to stare right into the eyes of the ginger head she was running away from.

"You were looking for Chuuya-kun, Rei?" Kouyou bloomed a gentle smile.

"You were looking for me?" Chuuya had his eyes lit up in seconds at the mention of him.

"Yea, w-we were supposed to have a training today. About now, I think."

"A training? Do you mind if I stay and watch?"

That, she did not expect that, at all. Ozaki Kouyou attending her training, for no particular reason at all.

"Ah... Kouyou-san! I don't think it's worth your time."

"Quite the opposite. I'm Chuuya's mentor. I'd want to see how much he's grown."

Rei stole a glimpse of the boy next to her, his gaze hung low, shadow cast over his face which only hindered those eyes even more. He didn't want to disappoint his mentor, but at the same time he didn't want to hurt her. She could see the struggle painted clearly on the darkened countenance of the male.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now