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He lay quietly on the bed as he directed those obsidian orbs to the outer view where moonlight was shining. Peaceful and calm, the beam flushed over his body with the softest sensation, painted on his face a gorgeous smile.

She moved in a bit closer, tightening her embrace around him. Gaze lifted to look at the moon, the one thing in this world that never failed to comfort her. And she needed that comfort more than ever.

"Nee-san, I'm ready."

He turned his eyes away from the light and stared into his sister's instead, who was then smiling softly at him.

"Ren-chan is such a brave kid." She placed on his forehead a kiss, and voluntarily he leaned into it.

"I'll always be with you nee-san."

There it was, the regret that she thought he hadn't got. He was still so young, regrets he must have plenty.

"I know, thank you Ren-chan. Please take care of me." She rubbed his head gently.

"Give my regards to mom and dad." 

"I will." Ren took her hand in his.

"And tell them I'm sorry, for not being able to protect you."

The warmth from his touch was comfortable, she would miss it dearly. Rei pulled the boy into her embrace as she cherished their last moment together.

"I love you, Ren."

"I love you too, nee-san..."

It was different from that time, he thought, since this time he was drawn of his energy entirely instead of just enough to put him out of consciousness for a while.

This time it was to put him at rest, for eternity.

But as he got weaker, he felt more peaceful, lighter, as if floating on water. He didn't have to think about where the flow might take him, he knew it would be somewhere beautiful, somewhere his happiness awaited.

In that moment, he hadn't got any regrets. Even if his life had only been beautiful for 5 months, at least it was beautiful. He had met new people, they were kind and they were nice. He had got to live with his family for 5 months, and did all the things that a normal family would do. He had also got the chance to see Haku, even though it was more likely that Haku found him. On that night of Yozakura, he didn't expect to see his friend at all, but they found each other, and he was happy that they did.

Maybe his only regret then was his sister, he couldn't repay her for all that she had done for him. And that he left her behind too soon.

"Live happily, nee-san. Live a life where you are content..."

His voice was small like whispers, they left his lips just moments before his eyes pulled close completely. He saw her smile in response to his saying, though. That partially fulfilled his regret.

Rei closed her eyes as the last flow of energy left the body of her brother. His head slipped from her hands, but landed on her chest. By the lack of energy, she could also feel the virus in his body slowly died out. That comforting warmth had left his system to reside within hers. The saying that he would always be with her wasn't entirely false.

The clock on the night stand ticked, the minute hand struck 00:01 AM, March 28th.

"I can't have you die on the same day that you were born, Ren."

Quiet tears fell from those lashes as she reached for the calendar on the night stand.

Day 149 of 150.


There were faint hums in the air, hums of a nostalgic tune they used to play in the past. Morning, warm sunlight, busy streets, soft summer breeze, they greeted the girl sitting by the window pane with eyes watching the flow of people outside. Everyone was hurrying to their destination, everyone seemed oblivious of everything other than themselves, everyone was occupied.

She had been sitting there watching them for long enough, she would like to join in their enthusiast too.

The girl lifted herself up from the seat to scroll out the little house, blended in the flow of people on the busy streets. It would be interesting if she could pick out a familiar face in the crowd. A little game she came up with, she would pick out a familiar face and started a conversation with them, either she was on good terms or bad terms with that person. 

The latter seemed more likely, considering she was an ex-mafia executive. 

However, that figure, that hat, that ginger mane. She hoped the one with the bearing wasn't of the latter as she mentioned.

Watching him from behind was different, she had always seen him from the front, or accompanied him by his side, but never to stand behind. As his pace quickened, as that small frame slipped out of her sight, she reached out rapidly to hold back that person.

But she then realized that it was only her eyes playing tricks on her. 

"Can I help you miss?..."

It was just someone that looked like him, and her desperation took advantage of it.

"A-anou... Are you around here? Can you show me the way to XX flower shop?"

"Oh, sure."

Yet, as she was emerged in the random conversation with a familiar stranger, Rei didn't notice the figure she was hoping for standing just a bit ahead of her, wearing the casual fit that he always put on whenever they went out on a day off. Just a tad to her left, standing near that very flower shop she was asking for directions to.

Lovely morning, one comes with enthusiast.

For then they asks of flowers' identities.

"Purple hyacinths take meaning of regrets.

White baby's breaths for those live with purity."

Chin grasps in fingers, one stares with interest.

"Plenty there are, what would you like to know?"

Along soft features falls the mane of sunset.

"Have there been one, bearing of great sorrow?"


This sets the end of "A Touch of Sorrow"! Thank you so much for the support throughout the story! I'm really bad at expressing my gratitude but I'm grateful *wipe tears* for every single read, every single vote and every single comment. It was beyond bliss for me whenever I see someone sharing interest in my work! The sequel is currently in the making, I will try to have it finished as soon as possible! Thank you again for everything, it really means the world to me. Drop a follow to be notified of my future works and I pinky promise you won't be disappointed! 

- Ezra.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now