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"Fucking hell! Shot me in the damn chest!" 

Clutching his chest where the bullet hit, Kane pulled himself up cursing. He tore the outer shirt, revealing a bulletproof vest underneath. It stopped the bullet of course, but the hit was still a painful one. 

"Shouldn't have underestimated you, Shishio. After all, you've been able to hide among us for so long, unnoticed by anyone."

Baleful laugh slipped his lips with ease. The alley way darkened even more with that laugh lingering. Kane crouched down where the scattered files lay and picked up every sheet of paper. He scanned through them one by one, then stopped as a very specific page that caught his eyes.


The child's obsidian orbs bore into his, vacant as a void in space. Yet, the content of his profile was the opposite, with detailed descriptions and status. Kane read on with great interest, and the more he read, the wider the grin stretched. 

"The finding is not easy my ass, you found the perfect one after all." 

The phone in his pocket buzzed, yet not until the second ring did he notice it.

"What?" He answered the call.

"The house is empty." The other side replied.

"And what did I tell you to do if it was empty?" Kane rolled his eyes.

"To search the place... but we heard something outside."

"It's already taken care of. Now flip that place upside down if you must, bring back everything you find."

"Got it, boss."

Kane typed quickly on his phone, pressing send and putting the device back into his pocket once the screen blackened. Golden eyes turned to the dead on the ground.

"You must be wondering how I found you. Well, I'll let you in on this one, since you're dead anyways. Remember that time at the lab? You were on your phone blah blah blah about this meeting, and I heard you. I didn't want to doubt you though man, but you were sketchy as fuck. So I planted a biological tracking device on you through that pat on the shoulder, the latest development of mine, thank you." He bowed down in a dramatic gesture.

"And voila, I got you in the palm of my hand thanks to a tiny needle.

"Unlike that man Yamamoto-san, I actually observe and you surely played your part of a hard-working, dedicated employee well. I never suspected you, not until you disappeared after Yamamoto-san was killed. You were the traitor, out of all people. Like I said, rats like you never know of the virtue loyalty."

Drops of rain fell from the sky notified him it was time to leave. Kane put the files back into the leather case before making his way towards Shishio. He searched the man, finding his phone in one hand and the gun in the other. "Nice shot Shishio, it hurt like a bitch. But you should've aimed for the head." He taunted as he pocketed the phone and picked up the gun.

Gun barrel pointed at Shishio once again, loaded and ready to fire. However, Kane lowered the firearm. "For your tribute to the organization, I will treat that kid well in your memory."

He walked away, paid not any more attention to the corpse in the alley. His work was done, and the man made his way to his car while whistling his favorite song. A nostalgic tune mixed with sounds of falling rain. Shishio had said that Kane was never the kind that kills, since he never wanted to dirty his hands with such work. But he was wrong, Kane did kill, he kills when the target was someone too important to let his minions take care of. He did whatever was necessary.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now