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"Ya... I did you bad Ryuu-kun..."

The boy with the name averted his gaze from the girl before him, even though she was not staring into his eyes, she had her focus on his neck then. The light dabs on his skin felt hot, places where the cotton traced past sent this sensation through his body. 

"Are you alright?" Rei looked up at Ryuu, a big question mark on her head.

His cheeks were red, his body trembled slightly, he couldn't hold a look to her, constant gulping and sweating. All that turned the question mark on her head even bigger. Rei furrowed her eyebrow with the light bulb in her head switched on.

"Hm...ticklish I see." 

And it was the only sort of warning he received right before she had him on the ground rolling and laughing. Rei tickled him on his belly, his neck, his armpits, his back, she tickled him anywhere she saw. The room rumbled like thunders with the dying laughs of the Port Mafia's Black Cloaked ability user.

"Rei-san! R-re-Re...i-sa...n..."

Akutagawa couldn't stop the in coming fingers tickling him every split second. When he managed to grab one of her hand, the other one attacked and he had no choice but to release the held hand. It went on for what seemed to be an eternity of him rolling and dying quite literally on the floor while the older one enjoyed the tickling session.

"This is how Port Mafia tortures the hostages!" Rei exclaimed with such excitement that Akutagawa had never seen before. Well, mainly because he was laughing too hard to even open his eyes.

"Ha~~" Rei fell back on the floor to let her junior take a breath, and such a sharp breath he took, sharp enough that he coughed it out immediately.

"Easy, Ryuu."

That again, those hands again rubbing his back, the soft feeling rushing through his entire body, tingled his every nerves. Akutagawa didn't understand how these gentle hand could knock him out just moments ago. The soft feelings they gave weren't fitting at all for the rough deeds they've done. Those orbs he owned flickered under the weak lighting of the infirmary, they turned to match her obsidian eyes.

The first thing she offered him was a smile and a playful apology for tickling him just then. She reached for his neck again, those slim fingers set fire to where she put them. 

"You felt that too, right? The energy rush." Rei retrieved her hand.

Akutagawa found it impossible to take his eyes off of her, he unconsciously rubbed the skin where she touched just a few seconds ago, it felt as if her hand was still there caressing him. The energy was clearly sensible and it slowly spread out to wrap in his entire neck. This feeling was too comfortable, he couldn't apprehend it. 

"What is that?" He asked, hands still on his neck.

"I concentrated your energy on the bruise on your neck. It might help you heal faster."

Her eyes creased into a smile, on those lips visible a grin, together they looked as lovely as ever. The boy there, he remained silent, his gaze unmoved.

"You are strong Ryuu, very strong. You have great potential and Dazai knew. He has hope in you." She stood up.

"His way of training is brutal I know..."

I've been through that.

"He's mean and cruel and sometimes I just wanna punch him right in the face even though I stand no chance of making it happen." 

Rei clenched her fist, eyes flaring as she motioned a punch into thin air, where Akutagawa assumed Rei pictured Dazai at. 3 drops of sweat rolled down Akutagawa's back.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now