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It was the first time she sat there at the round table, attending the meeting held once every few years to discuss ways to deal with the current threat. Outside she wore a perfectly calm mask, but inside she was incredibly nervous, and worried.

"What happened to him?!" 

She gripped tightly on the rail of the bed in which Odasaku was lying still as death. She was scared that might have been true if she hadn't seen his chest moving up and down ever so lightly.

"We've decided to use full force to destroy Mimic." 

Someone far to her left spoke, but Rei didn't pay much attention to who it was.

"I agree. Our major threat now is Mimic, others will be put as less important."

The memory of the man holding a chocolate cake in front of her face with a gentle smile resurfaced in her head.


"Rei, happy birthday."


"The meeting, Rei. I'll take care of him."


She snapped back to reality once the calls became too loud to slip her notice. Rei looked up to catch the eyes of her boss, vibrant yet darkened. 

"Yes, Mori-san?"

"You will go with Akutagawa to the said address. There are words that the leader is involved directly."

"Yes, Mori-san."


Soft sunset rays poured through the windows of the museum, grazing against her fair skin, nice and warm. Yet, the situation that blessed her with the beautiful setting was nothing close to the term. It was grisly, gunshots and screams drown out just about every other sound.



She stood behind the boy as Rashoumon formed from his coat and charged forward, piercing through the bodies of those who were enemies. He coughed, yet the deed was so calmly done that no other emotion could be seen on his face. Rei walked up next to him, but as she did so he voluntarily paced forward.

Another round of gunshots fired at him but none of the bullets managed to meet the target. A scarlet glow had swallowed the space before him, stopping those bullets just as he wished. Rei relaxed her posture as the errant bullets met with her shield. She should've let the bullets fly, at least she could've drawn the power from it instead of draining her own energy.

"Only fools use guns." Said Akutagawa before Rashoumon finished the lives of those before him.

Rei rolled her eyes as she put the pistol back in the holster by her hips. This kid, seriously. She walked up to him again and this time, he didn't walk away. By then a voice caught both of their attention.

"So you're that man, the Black Cloaked ability user."

Coming from the stairs, a man strolled so casually to greet the guests he invited to the museum. He was dressed same to his men, only that he didn't hood his face. White hair, grim eyes, he met with the gaze of Akutagawa unwavering.

"Who are you?"

"I am Gide. The leader of Mimic."

Rei tilted her head, she could sense the specific familiarity that she had yet to know what in the ability of the man.

"Let me ask you a question. Is your ability capable of releasing us from our sins?" 

"Do you want to find out?!"

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now