Brother! Arc - Viginti Unus

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The night was still, quiet and chilly. It hadn't been this cold since forever. However, lucky for them both they had each other to cuddle through the uncomfortable weather. The girl sunk deeper into the embrace of the other one while he slipped his hands around her body and finally set in with a light squeeze. They both unconsciously smiled.

"Ne Chuuya-kun, I know you've been quite busy lately, but do you wanna go somewhere with me tomorrow?"

"Hm? Where do you have in mind?"

"Just a tad further out of Yokohama."

Chuuya had a hint of what she was talking about.

"You wanna go for a search?"


He got it right. Rei wanted to go search for her brother again.

"It's okay if you can't go though, I can ask Ryuu-kun." She spoke quickly as her eyes reached his.

"Woah, woah, hang on, Akutagawa?"

"Yeah, Akutagawa."

Rei stopped breathing for a split second, she realized what he was talking about a bit later than she should've. Chuuya narrowed his eyes. 

"You seem to be quite close to the guy these days."

Rei just laughed, the Chuuya in her arms were jelly. It was true, she paid much mind to the boy, even though they rarely spend much time together, only a few training every now and then. Rei made sure she provided him what was best whenever they were together.

"I'm just looking out for him. He somehow reminds me of Ren. They both thrive to be stronger but still helplessly fail before one person."

Rei tightened her grip around Chuuya and buried her face in his chest.

"I have this urge of protecting them, because they couldn't protect themselves."

"Who told you they couldn't?" Chuuya tapped on Rei's forehead slightly, drawing her eyes to him.


"You said it yourself, Akutagawa is strong, and even though Ren wasn't as strong in the past, who said he wouldn't be now? Akutagawa is more than just capable of protecting himself, and Ren is still holding on without you. You don't do the protecting, you show them how to protect themselves."

Those arms around him loosened, they dropped as the girl stared into his cobalt eyes. Not a single reply he received, all there was in that moment were the blackish orbs boring deeply into his eyes. 

"Ah, you're right."

On her lips then was a grin, one wide enough to reach her eyes. Rei threw her arms around the man again as they both fell back on the bed. "Chuuya-kun is very understanding." She joked, pinching him on the cheek.

"Oi oi, that's not what to do when you compliment people." He grabbed her by the hand, trying to get her grip off but instead pulling his cheek as well while he pulled her hand.

"Ya! Rei!"

"There there, I know. I'm sorry." She rubbed his cheek, and placed there a kiss to soothe the reddened spot.

"So Chuuya-kun, will you come with me tomorrow?"

"You still have to ask that?" 

He smiled and gently reached forward to kiss her. The light touch of his lips sent warmth spreading all over her face and down to her neck. Giggling, Rei took her chance and leaned in for another one.

"Just to make sure."


It was nothing close to her imagination, Rei checked the map over and over again to make sure she wasn't mistaking the orphanage with any other buildings. But there wasn't many around to mistake with either. A gloomy atmosphere veiled over the place made her hesitant.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now