Quadraginta Quinque

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Dazai hadn't took his eyes away from the barely filled glass, the bitter taste on his tongue lingered still as he swallowed. Under the dim lights of Lupin, his eyes reflected the fire color of the liquor in his glass.

"What do you know about the virus, Haku-kun?" Dazai turned to the boy.

"It's a type of virus that turns the infected people aggressive. Symptoms are likely to develop after 1 to 2 hours. At the most severe state, the hosts will kill the surrounding people or harm themselves or tear themselves apart." Haku said, eyes on the brown folder.

"It's also a highly contagious virus, even though itself isn't infectious while inactive and the time needed to activate the virus was also long, 150 full days, the maturing period, however, is incredibly short, only 1 hour. It has been 48 days since it was first put into Ren's body." He finished.

"Haku-kun, are you happy or sad that you failed the mission Mori-san tasked you with?"

Dazai raised the glass to his lips, lifting it higher and higher until he felt the heat from the drink coating his tongue entirely. 

Haku didn't know precisely whether he was happy or sad, he didn't regret coming back for Ren that was for sure, but his emotions then were unclear. He couldn't answer straight away what it was. Maybe it was both, he thought to himself.

"Well, let you answer an easier question then. Do you know why you have to kill Ren?" Dazai placed the glass down, yet sparing Haku not a single glance.

Nothing went past his observation, Haku mumbled, but it wouldn't be much a surprise since it was Dazai who he was talking about. He must have guessed ever since he saw Shou in that cell. 

The mission Mori gave him was specific, to kill Ren, and only that. He needed not to help Rei physically. In fact, the saying that he was to assist Rei to eliminate the organization was the imply that he should not fail the task of killing Ren. Because, as much as he didn't want to admit, the death of Ren was the quickest and the most definite way to destroy the organization and save Yokohama.



"The Hattori's were the only ones with the high matching DNA, Shou was already a failed experiment, they couldn't experiment on Rei since she was in Port Mafia, and they had not the resources to go against Port Mafia yet. So Ren was the only one left, with him dying they would have no ways to spread the virus."

"Correct. Mori-san's action was logical, he must stop such a threat with the most efficient way. Ren's death in return for the life of every ability user in Yokohama." Dazai slowly pulled his eyes closed. 

"And if Rei manages to bring Ren back she will certainly leave Port Mafia. In the case that she fails, the grief and hatred will only be the fuel to her power, and that benefits Port Mafia more than anything." Those eyes opened to stare straight into the void where absent a certain bartender.

"You know Haku-kun, this fight started 3 years ago, ever since her first mission. The child she found in there was one of the unfortunate kids who were experimented on. Mori had always kept an eye on Rei ever since then, and he utilized her past to the very best. He gave hope to her, appointing her on missions that would provide her information about Ren."

And he had used that hope to stop her from coming to Odasaku's aid.

Dazai had always knew about Mori's ways of achieving his goals. He utilized every possible chessman on the chessboard, every move was optimal. Dazai knew, because he would've done the same. But, in reality, he didn't do so.

"He had faith in you, considering that you haven't failed a single mission before, at least while in my time in Port Mafia."

Haku remembered that time when he dashed into Ango's office after hearing his scream. Dazai was on one side while Odasaku was on the other, closing in on his mentor. That was the first time he had ever come to Port Mafia, it was the only time he had seen his superior in real life. 

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now