Viginti Sex

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He woke up to the sun, like usual. The warmth caressing his face was incredibly comfortable, making it harder to leave bed. But to be frank, he didn't have to leave the mattress so early, in fact he could stay in there till whenever he wanted. 

Yet thinking about that, he suddenly wanted to wake up. Peaking his head out of the room, he saw that the man was already gone, like usual. With a slight exhale of breath, he stepped outside, approaching the room of that man on the other side of the apartment. Badum, badum, badum.

"Sneaking around I see."

He spun around to catch the appearance of the one he was avoiding. His heart raced even quicker now that the man had found out what he was about to do.

"I know you're curious, but now is not the time. I'll tell you everything when it's over." 

He was pulled into a tight embrace, but he couldn't bring himself to wrap his arms around the other one. He couldn't feel safe if he didn't know what and who to trust. He felt anxious either way, being safe or not. And no one likes being nervous all the time.

"But can you tell me your name now?"

The hand rubbing his back stopped, the pats stopped, the man's breath also stopped for a quick second.


"Just your last name would be fine, sir. I don't want to keep addressing you as sir."

"But what's wrong about calling me sir? It's just a word, my name is just a word."

Those onyx orbs stared deep into the other one's, making it difficult to maintain specific emotions in the gaze. The longer he looked, the more he saw the forming of guilt in the eyes of that man. He questioned why he always saw guilt in his eyes.

"I see... I won't ask anymore." 

Usually, the dominant feeling would be disappointment, but this time the boy felt more than just such, he felt angry. He thought he deserved to know at least a name. 

To watch the boy getting upset so early in the morning already told him that his day was going to be bad. He sighed, watching the boy walked away.

"Ren." He called in hope to stop that figure from disappearing.

"Yes, sir?"

"Do you want to go outside?"

He turned around immediately. 

"Is it allowed, sir?"

"Of course, I'll take you to anywhere you want."

It was a pleasing sight to watch that smile stretched to his ears, and those eyes shrinking due to that broadened smile. It had been some times since the last day he was able to spent outside a building.

"Then can I see Haku?..."

It was small like a whisper, and the boy said while his fingers fidgeted nervously. 

That was unexpected yes.

But he did give his word that he would take the boy anywhere he wanted.

"Alright, get ready. We'll leave at 9, okay Ren?" 

The younger one lifted his head to gaze directly into the gray orbs of the man, in there he saw not the familiar guilt, but rather joy and happiness. Those emotions were genuine.



Before him stood the building with a vintage-looking gate. It was the third time he was at this gate, though the emotion flushing through his veins was never the same thing twice. 

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now