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He followed the shadow of the girl outside, her silhouette fell on the wall which he was standing behind. She was laughing happily, and all thanks to someone else, not him.

"It's not Rei-chan. It's Rei-san!" She pouted.

"It would be Rei-san if you stop making that face." He pinched her cheek.

"That hurts Chuuya-kun!!" She almost toppled over him in an attempt to take off his hand.

Her laughs were refreshing, they carried no weight of worries. Dazai had never heard her laugh like that when she was with him. Every time she was around him, she would pant, she would fall to the ground in short breaths, she would cough up blood while trying to maintain her posture. Even on that night when they had onigiri together, she would only smile at him, she never laughed.

But with Chuuya, it would be very strange if she didn't laugh.

Dazai left in a quickened pace, he hated the feeling he experienced while staying. He knew what that feeling was and what it could do to him. He didn't need such distraction in this stage of the plan.

Looking at her like that made him question himself. Was he right? Did it work? How does he confirm it before the mission? What if it didn't work? What if he was putting her in the danger that himself couldn't control?

Everything became a risk once it involved her.

"Your plan is quite risky Dazai-kun. If it doesn't work, you might unintentionally kill Rei-chan."

He knew that of course. He knew every risk factor in his plans, this one in particular. 

"You know her true ability, Boss. She doesn't create power, she consumes others'. While she can't absorb any energy she will be nothing more than a normal human being."

She couldn't always attack in a close range if she didn't absorb any energy, and even drawing her own power wouldn't help much in a prolonged battle.

"And you think she can absorb Arahabaki, and that it would give her the ability to create her own power?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but you've seen her use the ability. She absorbed the whole fire thus why it didn't spread out from the bar."

"But you've also seen her after she did. Her body couldn't hold that much power."

"She can if she trains. I'll help exploit her potential."

The man's laughs rang in his mind.

"Very well, Dazai-kun. But remember to make your moves wisely. When you did, don't regret making them."

Dazai stopped in the middle of the hallway, his hand unconsciously touched his lips. He left his sentiments with that kiss on her neck, he shouldn't be feeling any attachments now. But then why did he feel guilty towards her, why would that cold heart of his fluster when he saw her earlier. 

Everything he did was for her, he wanted her to survive this cruel world even if it meant he had to be cruel to her in return. He shouldn't have felt too worried, since Chuuya was there to keep her happy for him.

And his life would be meaningless again.

He once said her company was the only thing he found valuable to him. But if he didn't have her company, she would have no value. Use and discard. Either that or she showed worthy of something else.


The closer she was to the office, the faster her heart raced. Rei pushed the button in the elevator that would take her to the highest floor, the ding gave out was somewhat eerie as there was only her inside the lift. Mori had called her to his office, saying that it was part of the preparation for the mission she was about to carry out. Rei didn't know if the mission was the reason to her anxiety, or it was Mori.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now