Viginti Septem

320 15 6

It was a rather peaceful day in the office of the Armed Detective Agency. Kunikida Doppo, one of the detectives, had just arrived at the office on the perfect time he scheduled. He wasn't greeted by another prank of Dazai - the new employee who had just joined last month. He took that as a good sign to start the day. 

However, he hadn't seen Dazai anywhere, and that could as well be a bad sign for the man could jump out of anywhere to ruin Kunikida's perfect schedule. Either that, or he was drowning in some river. 

Fixing his glasses, Kunikida pulled out the chair and sat down after he exchanged greetings with other employees. The period following the case of the Azure Messenger was quite peaceful to say the least. Minor a lazy Dazai, everything had gone according to plan, and Kunikida was more than happy about it.

And the day proceeded.

With a tiny surprise.

The door to the office slid open slowly with a voice rose to sound. All eyes turned to the entrance where a female stood. 

"Anou... is this the Armed Detective Agency?" 

The blue hem of the dress fell over as the girl leaned forward. She seemed shy, after all it was the first time she was there. The bouquet behind her tipped aside, leaving a few baby breaths out of place. 

"It is, please come in." Kunikida pushed back his chair as he stood up to welcome the guest in. 

With a smile, the girl strolled in following the instruction of Kunikida. The smile never left her face even when she had sat down on the appointed chair. She hugged the bouquet in her palm, occasionally caressing the petals. Seeing that she wouldn't speak first, Kunikida began.

"Are you here for a request?" He opened the notebook.

"Ah well, not entirely true. I'm here to see Dazai. I brought him a congratulating gift." She raised the bouquet in her hands.

Kunikida's brows pinched closer at the reply of the girl, eyes filled with confusion. "Did you just say Dazai?" Those brows furrowed.

"Yes, Dazai Osamu. Is this not the place he works?" The girl in the blue dress widened in surprise, the bouquet tilted in her grip. 

"It is, but he's not present at the moment. You can leave the gift here, I'll make sure he receives it when he comes."

"Oh, thank you, um..."

"Kunikida, miss."

"Ah Kunikida-san. I'm Rei. Can you tell him to call me while he is free? I keep missing him."

"Very well, I'll make sure he will."

They bowed their goodbyes before the female rose from her feet. She bowed again just before she made her way out of the place. 


And in walked the man she was looking for, an hour late for work.

"Ah, Dazai. You have a guest."

The two seemed to be having a staring contest, or they were frozen on their ground as none of them was moving at all. It took quite a minute before their faces softened into a smile.




Dazai had her by complete surprise as he threw himself her way and hurriedly wrapped her in his hug. The gesture had her at a loss for words. While Dazai was still hugging her, Kunikida at the back had his mouth hung agape, jaw nearing the floor already.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now