Triginta Tres

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Araki sat quietly on the chair he was appointed to, "attending" the meeting. It was the first time he was allowed to participate in such an important event of the organization. It was originally a meeting with the attendance of The Five and Kane, but the latter had Araki a seat for him to report progress of the experiments.

But he hadn't said a single word in the past 30 minutes. 

"We've found a substitute for the last test subject, there isn't much to say now, but the experiment has shown incredible results after a few tests. The matching DNA has accelerated the progress a great deal."

Kane presented in his seat, a smile on his face the entire time. He clicked on a file from his tablet, and a profile popped up on others' screen after, including Araki's. The doctor had seen the file thousand times before, yet each time it would bring to him a different feeling. 

"Test subject C45, Hattori Ren. With the most compatible DNA so far, he proves to be the perfect test subject. I will leave the details of the project to Araki-sensei here."

Kane suddenly gestured to Araki, who jolted up in his seat once he realized he was the center of the attention by then. Expectant eyes turned to him, making the man nervous.

"A-anou... the early tests showed that the DNA is 97% compatible with the virus, and though the maturing time is quite long, about 4 to 5 months, it's likely to be active and spread immediately after the maturation is completed."

"Excellent news, the best one so far in 3 long years, isn't it gentlemen?" said Kane.

"I will send someone to replace Okamura next month, will you be able to hold on until then doc?" Kane looked over Araki with a beaming smile.

"I... I don't need an assistant." A tint of sorrow laced in his voice, to which Kane arched an eyebrow. 

"Very well then, the meeting is done. Gentlemen, you may leave the building." 

The screens blacked out with the leaving of the people in the room, leaving only the doctor, and the guy. "Say it, whatever it is." Kane fell back on his chair, spinning it around to face Araki at the end of the table with a frown.

"Why did you have to kill Shishio-kun?"

Those golden eyes turned cold.

"He was a traitor, he indirectly killed his previous boss, he contacted with Port Mafia - our rival. If I hadn't found him that day, the kid would've been handed over to Port Mafia. Once that is done, your work will be over. And you'll never have that chance to see your wife again."

At the mention of the woman, the man in the white lab coat suddenly pulled himself back, the sight of him challenging Kane was gone. The memory of a lady dressed in sheer red with one hand holding her hat, the other waving flashed through his mind. She stood in the breeze carrying of spring weather, as beautiful as a piece of art. 

"Remember why you came to me in the first place, Araki-sensei." 

Kane stood himself up once he found no point in staying any further, his shadow trailed behind him, casting over Araki in a moment. Those golden eyes bit his spine cold, forcing him to turn away from the look. 

Araki was then the only one left in the room. His fist clenched and eyes hung low, he sat in the dark.

"A future where your eyes are still bright."

With the new found strength, the man exited the meeting room and went straight to the lab. His work wasn't considered "ethical", he had seen many deaths, caused many deaths, but the towering guilt inside him disappeared the moment the memories of the woman he called wife resurfaced. It was his initial reason to take this job, it had always been the only reason. 

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