7. The Marketplace

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Geonhak POV

" Hey Y/N, Seoho, and I need to go to the store for some stuff, " Hwanwoong says peeking into our room.

" Where is Y/N? " Seoho asks walking into the room.

" Guys don't worry I'm right here, " it hurt me seeing her so exhausted looking.

The two question her, as I smell the air around her smelling something out of the ordinary.

" I'm bleeding everywhere Woong I need stuff, " hearing Y/N whine too him like that triggers something inside me I don't know what it is, but it just makes me want to protect her.

" That's why us 3 are going to the human marketplace, " I look at the 3 of them and grab Y/N's arm pulling her into my chest.

" Baby what's wrong? " Seoho tries to get close to her, but I pull her back and growl.

" He's still in heat oh my god it's been 4 days Geonhak, " Hwanwoong sighs, but I shake my head no.

" No that's not it I don't know what it is, but it feels like it's pulling me into Y/N, " I see Y/N look up at me with big puppy eyes, and needless to say it melts my heart.

I let her go, and she walks to the two getting ready to leave until she runs back and gives me a long kiss. I rub myself on her making sure she has my scent before she leaves again. Hearing the large front door close downstairs I know that they're gone. What was that smell though....


We can't even go into wolf form because we'll rip our clothes, but I'm sure the towns people will appreciate seeing two of their princes. I guess I'm a princess now too.

" Goddamnit Y/N you smell like Geonhak, " Seoho says rubbing his nose.

" It's for the better. The people in town won't smell Geonhak, but they'll smell something that basically tells them to stay away from Y/N, " Seoho sighs while walking faster leading us into the big bustling city.

Horses, stands, large buildings, and people flood the streets. It's truly an incredible sight too see. I think Hwanwoong knows about my dream though. He sees me flinch whenever somethings raised in the air, or when I loose one of them he sees me panic. Seeing lots of herbs at a table we stop at it. Seoho and I get bored, so we wander off, and eventually we end up at a stand that sells all kinds of hygiene products. Seeing the pads I needed I pulled put some money and bought them.

" Y/N if you don't mind me asking what'd you buy? " I explain too him everything, and his face is just full of disgust.

We laugh about it until a citizen gasps loudly.

" Oh my god.... it's Seoho Moon! " everyone turns to look at Seoho and I, and soon we have a huge crowd around us.

" Sir is this your girlfriend? Our new princess! " everyone goes quiet at the ladies question putting the spotlight on us.

" No she is not, but this is prince Geonhak's girlfriend, " everyone's face lights up in excitement at the news.

" She will be your princess and even queen when my dear brother decides too really tie the knot, " he looks at me and winks because of the pun he made, but I roll my eyes.

Seoho answers more people's questions when I suddenly see Hwanwoong jogging to us. He stops in front of me, and looks around in shock.

" What did you two do, " I hesitate for a second until explaining.

" Your citizens found us. Also do they know we're wolves, " Hwanwoong looks at me with wide eyes, and quiets me down.

" SHHH! No they don't. They're humans not wolves, " I nod walking towards the crowd of people with some guys giving me nasty looks.

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