47. New Beginnings

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Panting roughly I wave my arms in circles trying to loosen them a bit from the strong ache in my biceps. Seungwoo, Sejun, Subin, Hanse, and Chan have many tree stump and logs of wood layed out, as they all watch me try to complete the course. Stumbling over half of the large tree limbs I pant and catch myself not falling continuing to finish the obstacle course set up for me. Once I came to the end I walk towards the tree tapping it hearing Hanse and Subin chuckle.

" Wow you're really bad at this, and your a wolf too, " Subin says jumping over some of the stuff nicely and with ease.

He pats my back, as I snap at his hand smirking back at him.

" Shut up Bin go mess with one of the maids or something, " I breathily say standing straight up poking his chest.

" Gladly but it's not twelve am yet sweetheart, " scoffing at his words we make it back to the group of alphas seeing a few smiling at me, as I stretch my back.

" How do you guys do this in like 20 seconds? " I ask them taking water from Sejun.

" I mean we go out as wolves a lot, and we're constantly staying in shape, " Seungwoo speaks up crossing his arms looking down at me.

" Don't feel discouraged if you can't do it though Hanse and Subin wanted you to do this just cause they're mean, " Sejun says opening his arms letting me walk into them and lay my head on his warm and firm chest.

Sighing I close my eyes breathing in his sent making me calm down a bit, as the guys around us fight about who should go next. Looking up at Sejun's smiling face he pushes Chan up to the course hearing him groan in annoyance.

" Why me I went first. You should do it Jun, " he says making me step away from Sejun upon seeing Chan grab his wrist, and pull him up with him.

" You know what I want to see all of you race each other at one time, " I speak up with a new idea seeing all the boys grin and nod, as the rest join the two at the front.

Standing beside them I watch them get competitive quick, as most of their eyes switch to their wolves colors.

" Ready? Set. Go! " I yell watching all five alphas sprint off making small growls as some pass each other trying to surpass one another.

I run beside the men growling and snapping at each other watching Seungwoo take the lead, as Subin and Hanse go neck and neck behind Chan Sejun following closely behind Seungwoo. Sejun picks up his speed passing Chan slightly, as they near the end of the course letting Seungwoo come in first with Sejun in second and Chan in third. Hanse and Subin push each other making Subin become first because Hanse stumbled on the last stump making him fall slightly behind Subin. All the boys breathe heavily hunched over against trees trying to find a gust of wind to cool them off, as I catch my breath quickly, seeing Chan's garnet red eyes not go away while everyone else's fade off into their normal ones. Smelling the air around us I pick up Chan's rosemary scent heavily making shivers run up my spine. I don't think most of the others notice yet, but the rest have the normal brown eyes now, while Chan bites his lip balling up his fists, as he stands up straight followed by the others.

" Hey you ok? " I ask Chan walking up to him seeing his gaze shoot towards me quickly, as he licks his lips smirking down at me.

Smelling his scent pick up stronger in the air now I rush to Sejun's side seeing Chan's gaze follow my body.

" I think Chans on his heat, " I whisper to Jun seeing him look at Chan quickly smelling the air.

" Seungwoo, " Sejun says dominantly nodding his over to the struggling alpha whos sat on a tree stump shaking his leg quickly.

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