33. Girls Night

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" Is your back starting to hurt a lot? " Seolhee asks me while Sungmi kneads her knuckles deeply into my back.

" Yeah but not a lot luckily. How are you and Dongju though? " I ask her sitting up on my elbows to see both girls in the large vanity mirror.

" I've missed him so much honestly. We've been friends ever since we were both 6, and I really haven't seen him since I was 10. I never even knew he was my mate up until when I saw him for the first time in years. I only knew cause I felt more drawn to him, you guys know the feeling so you know what I'm talking about, " she says slightly blushing and rubbing her red and warm cheeks.

" Has he talked about seeling the deal, and marking you yet? " Sungmi asks her making me sit up and lean against the head board crossing legs while we watch her grin like she's gone crazy.

" We talked about it yesterday, and he did bring it up. I do want to be with him for the rest of my life. He's my big baby, but I'm just scared that Yonghoons literally going to kill him, " all of us laugh agreeing that Yonghoon would definitely have his head on the wall if he found out that Seolhee would become our sister in law because of Dongju.

" You know what we should do today? " Sungmi asks us sitting on her knees now getting excited.

" What should we do Sungie, " I say seeing her smile brightly.

" We should have a girls night. With Hajin and Eunjin too, " Seolhee looks at me for a moment before smiling and nodding, agreeing with her idea.

" We can't do anything too crazy though because of Y/N, " Seolhee says, as I sit quietly not saying anything, just nodding and listening knowing Geonhak's not going to approve of me going without him.

" We can always just go for a walk in the town. I heard it's gorgeous at night, " Sungmi states getting off the bed making all of us follow behind her, as she walks out the room, and down the stairs.

" Sounds good too me we just need to tell our mates. Hopefully Hwanwoongs ok with cooking for 11 hungry male wolves by himself, " I say making the girls laugh, hearing Seolhee call Hajin and Eunjin in the link.

Not too much longer later we hear some heels clicking on the ground getting closer to us. We meet at the front door, and we tell the two about our plan seeing them immediately get excited, and start talking about all the great places in town.

" We should go to Kingdom Alice. I know an amazing restaurant there, and the center of town always has some kind of show going on, so I think we should go there instead, " Eunjin states happily making all of us nod in agreement.

" I'm going to go tell Geonhak I think he's in the kitchen, but I say let's meet at the front door in 5 minutes, " with that we split out finding our mates with Hajin following behind me, leaving Eunjin to sit alone by herself by the door.

I walk into the large hallway like usual leading to the kitchen, as I immediately find Geonhak hunched over leaning over the counter talking to Hyungu while he chews into an almost raw slab of what I think is some steak. I quietly walk up behind him trying to scare him, but as soon as I lift my arms to grab his shoulders he spins around quickly, and picks me up bridal style.

" Geonhak! I was trying to scare you! " I yell at him feeling his tongue lick over my mating mark.

" You forget that I'm a wolf a lot baby. Are you ok? Maybe some memory loss? " he asks smirking at me, making me pout at him.

" Hak-ah I wanna go with the girls to Kingdom Alice for a girls night, " I feel his arms tense around me, as he sets me down on my feet growling lowly.

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