53. Hunters and bids

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Geonhak POV

My leg hasn't stopped hurting at all through this entire time. Sejun and I got put in a cage together, and we're sat near the front of the room while everyone else is scattered. I haven't found Y/N or Kyungmo yet, but I hope she has him. I huff quietly to myself rolling my neck in a circle from the ache in it. Sejun hits the floor of the cage with his fist yelling in anger grabbing the bars tightly trying to pull them apart.

" That isn't gonna work genius. Just sit we can't do anything, " I tell him seeing him glare at me before sitting in front of my hurt leg.

" You stole Y/N away from me. Why should I listen to you? " the venom laced in his tone makes me smirk at him.

" She was mine first we just had our differences. As much as I despise you though, I'll help you stay alive and not get killed, " he scoffs at my words biting his tongue avoiding my gaze.

" It's ok I hate you too. She may love you, but she'll remember who was there with her the most, " his words makes my blood boil letting my tongue poke at my cheek holding back my hateful words.

" You know she would never choose you over me, " I know my words cut into his heart, as I smile to myself seeing him sit up on his knees now.

" Wanna know how I know? When I showed up in that meeting room she left your arms without hesitation, " Sejun stands making me follow his every movement not expecting him to kick the leg that got shot.

" I'm glad they immobilized you and put us in a cage together, " a sinister smile spreads on his face, as I groan in pain rocking back and forth from the extreme pain I'm experiencing now.

He goes back to his area of the cage to sit down until he smells something heavy in the air making his eyes change quickly. Looking at him confused I smell what he does too leaning my head back against the cage smiling. It's Y/N's scent.

" She's still on her heat she's making all the alphas get riled up, " Sejun says with no tone in his voice, as he look to where her smell could be coming from.

" Good. Hopefully someone can gather strength, and get us out of here, " I say scrunching up my face from pulsing pain appearing off and on in my leg.

" I want to help her so bad, " Sejun's smirk from his side profile makes me sick to my stomach.

" She'd never let you, " I say watching Sejun looking down at me about to laugh.

" Funny. If you wouldn't have showed up yesterday we would've been mated, and I would've marked her, " Sejun's words make me shoot up on one leg, and get in his face baring my teeth.

" Watch yourself Lim Sejun, I won't hesitate to make that rope burn mark around your neck redder, " I growl at him having him push me slightly.

" I don't want to fight. I don't like taking wins so easily. It'd be unfair since you got shot, " his words are clearly to mock me just making me more furious than what I am.

Ripping off a piece of my sleeve from my shirt I untie the old piece of blood soaked clothing replacing it with this new one. Standing tall on both of my legs internally screaming from the pain, I stay strong on the outside just breathing heavily. Sejun and I glare at each other snarling until another gunshot sounds off from beside us.

" Sit the fuck down. Both of you! " we separate growling at each other going to opposite sides of the cage.

" You. We have your girl, and I think your baby in a room with our leader, " my face drains of all of its color, as my stomach drops letting panic arise quickly.

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