15. Almost exposed

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" Thank you Mr and Mrs Kang, " I say to the happily married couple, as I take my bread, and walk to a happy Geonhak playing with the children on the floor.

I sit down next to them having a little girl sit down in front of me. I smile brightly at her putting her hair behind her ear. She smiles back at me handing me a toy crown.

" What's it like to be a princess? " I put the crown on, and finish my bread giving Geonhak the last piece.

Picking her up, and setting her in my lap I push myself back against a wall giving her a view of all the boys playing together.

" It feels like that. Prince Geonhak has a lot of brothers like you. I'm the only girl like you too, well I was, but it's very fun. I don't wear crown often though, but I really like this one, " I say taking it off and holding it in front of us.

" You look like a better princess than me though, " I say putting the crown on her head making me her excitedly get up, and smile.

She runs to her mom behind the counter, as I watch her dissapear only hearing her little excited voice. Mrs. Kang lifts her up smiling at me and the girl telling her to calm down because of how rambunctious she is. Suddenly we hear Geonhak hiss sitting up letting one of the little boys roll off of him.

" You're like prince Dongju. He's a biter too, " he lifts his palm seeing blood drip down his arm, as Mr and Mrs Kang run to Leedo with a medical kit.

" You guys are werewolves? " I look at Geonhak at his sudden question in panic.

" Uhmm.. yes I'm sorry they're still learning how to control their wolf when they get excited, " Mr. Kang says, as I crawl over to Geonhak sitting beside him.

Geonhak sees Mrs. Kang panicking, so he puts his other hand up stopping her from worrying.

" Look, Y/N pull your collar to the side, " I see him show his mating mark, as I get what he wants to do now, I show them mine too.

" Oh my, wait are the other princes wolves also? " Geonhak nods, as he stands up helping me up after him.

" No one else knows because people that are our kind went existinct years ago, so now you're the only two non royalty to know about my wife and I, " Geonhak says making me look up at him with wide eyes from his statement.

He said my wife. Does he really want to marry me? Wow we've only dated for so long though. I guess when you get a mate you do consider yourself as married. The human couple look at us happily, as the youngest child shifts on accident. The wolf pup runs up to Geonhak biting his pant leg trying to play again. The pup growls making Gunhak smirk at the kid. Oh no his wolf's getting triggered. Suddenly Geonhak growls back at the kid making the child shift back, and stand by his dad.

" It's nice seeing more of us around. It's especially better knowing our leaders our very powerful and wise, " Mrs. Kang says picking up one of the boys.

Suddenly I hear the towns folk talking in hushed whispers because of my wolf senses kicking in. ' I can't believe someone from Kingdom Alice would dare touch one of the princesses. ' Oh no... Minji and Seoho are in trouble.

' Geonhak, Seoho and Minji need us, ' I see him quickly look at me once he finally registers my voice, and what I said.

" I'm sorry, but we have to go urgently we'll be back though, " Geonhak says quickly as we both ran out the small bakery trying to catch their scents.

I suddenly smell Seoho's scent running towards it making Geonhak run behind me. We make it to the fountain where I look around frantically for them. Ugh my nose can't deceive me now please. Suddenly I see Geonhak run around a corner, and straight to where Chan is holding Minji by her neck while Seoho snarls at him.

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