49. An Outing

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Geonhak POV

" Harin you were closest to her out of everyone here are you sure she didn't try and contact you in anyway? " I ask the concentrated male in front of me shaking his head.

" No. I heard nothing from her. If I did I would've told you she was safe, " huffing angrily I hit the table with my fist causing a loud thud.

Kyungmo whimpers from the loud sound, making soft quiet cries escape him causing me to pick him up from his place on the couch beside us. His crown slips off his head landing on the pillow, as I rub his back trying to comfort him. Taking him to my seat where the rest of the guys are sitting, I take out a bottle I made previously the day before pressing it against his mouth softly letting him try and hold the bottle letting his hands cover my fingers.

" I've never seen Geonhak this soft before. He's so gentle it's scary, " I smirk at Giwook's words thinking back on how him and I used to throw each other around and wrestle.

" He's keeping me grounded right now. If I didn't have him I would've genuinely lost my mind, " sighing I tilt my head back closing my eyes stressed out.

" It'll be ok. Do you know where else she could possibly be? " Dongmyeong asks making me nod in response to his question.

" She's in Alice. With Victon. She's close with Sejun. I know for sure they have her, " looking down at Kyung he tries to push the bottle away causing me to pull it back from his mouth, sitting him up, placing the baby over my shoulder patting his back softly.

He pulls on my earring making me flinch in pain queuing the laughter from some of the boys.

" A baby! " I hear a female voice exclaim from behind me making me turn to see Hajin rushing behind me with her arms open wide.

A large smile comes across my face upon seeing her so smiley inspecting Kyungmo's face. Once she tries to touch him I bare my teeth seeing her step back once before pointing to him.

" Can I hold him Hak? Please! " she asks enthusiastically bending down on his level again to look at him.

" Ummmm, come sit next to me, and be very careful, " I say watching her sit quickly practically bouncing in her spot.

" Where's Y/N? " she asks smiling brightly at the baby whos watching her every move with his tounge out.

" We think she's in Victon since she's not here, " Hyungu says patting Giwook's back.

Giwook watches Kyung's foot kick her stomach lightly making him go tense, and suck in a sharp breath.

" Baby be careful please, " he says making me look at him in question since Mo is too young and weak to do any serious damage.

The odd mannerism makes me look to where Harins looking seeing him keep a trained eye on Hajin's stomach.

" It smells like baby in here, " Harin finally says making us all laugh hysterically at him since Kyungmo is sitting on Hajin's lap chewing on her finger.

" No no like, I can't explain it. Uhhhh like I guess I can sense it. Hajin smells like baby, " we all give him a weird look until I smell the air around us feeling something off in the air around Hajin and I.

Giwook, Yonghoon, and Hyungu watch us try and figure out what Harins talking about along with Dongmyeong thats just watching.  Hajin giggles making me stop and sit up to look at her, seeing her hand Mo back standing up.

" Do you wanna smell now? " she asks opening up her arms letting me smell her.

Turning around to Giwook, asking for permission he nods smiling. With Kyung strongly in grasp I lean over a bit smelling her letting it finally click in my head. Shooting up quickly I hug her not too tightly keeping Mo a bit ways away from being crushed.

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