16. A Picnic ( smut )

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Geonhak POV

" Geonhak I swear you're either going to help, or you're going to go sit down, " Hwanwoong says, as he stops cutting the sandwich.

" I'm sorry I'll help coo- " I get cut off by Hwanwoong laughing.

" You're not cooking. Go get the basket, so I can put all of this in it, " I speed walk quickly to the dining grabbing the large woven basket that already has water in it, I hand it to Woong seeing him smile at me.

" I like seeing this side of you. It's cute. Plus you look nervous, so just calm down you big puppy, " I cross my arms licking my lips at the smell of the food.

Seeing Hwanwoong hand me the finished basket I smile happily looking at it. I hear him chuckle next to me putting the utensils in the sink, washing his hands afterward. 

' Geonhak do you want to be under a tree, or by like a creek? ' I hear Dongju ask me in the pack link. 

' A tree cause it's sunny outside. Please don't do anything funny to the set up, just do as I asked, ' hearing Keonhee sigh in the link I smile knowing the two were going to try, and do something funny.  

" Ok I'm going to go wake up Y/N, put the basket on the table in the what we call heat room, " I tell Hwanwoong to do, as I quickly walk up the stairs, and into our room. 

Her hair was all over the pillows in a mess, as her face was softly pressed against my pillows. Her chest rises and falls calmly making the blanket lay right under her collarbones. My shirt on her is very large and showcases her gorgeous neck, and her mating mark. Smiling, I walk up to her side of the bed, bending down, and standing on my knees, facing her back. I gently push her shoulder making her flip around, and face me now with her eyes still closed. I stroke the side of her face now waking her up, as her eyes flutter open, and land on mine. She groans stretching her arms above her head, letting them come back down slowly, and land on my head. She giggles brushing my hair back, as I feel my wolf purr at her touch. 

" Why are you up so early baby? How are you already dressed too? What's happening is something wrong? " her voice becomes panicked now, as she sits up frantically looking me in my eyes. 

" Nothings wrong flower. I do need you to get up, and get dressed though. I have something planned for us today, " I see her smile, and grab the collar of my shirt pulling me down into a kiss. 

The kiss is soft, and I eventually take over, and become dominant. I try to slide my tounge in deeper, as I stand up, and try to climb on the bed only to be stopped by her hand on my chest.

" See no self control. Now let me get up, and shower, so we can hurry up and go, " she slides onto the side of the bed next to me taking the blankets off, and quickly shooting into the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the door next to it.


I wonder what he has planned though. He got up so early to prepare it. I take off my clothes, and tie my hair up before getting in. When I do get in the hot water burns my skin at first, but the more I sit and soak the better it feels. Finishing up in the shower I walk out in my towel smelling Hwanwoong's cooking from downstairs. I don't know what Geonhak has planned, but I assume it's like a walk on a nice pathway he made the boys find. He was trying to make sure everything was perfect yesterday. I finish putting on a medium length skirt, and a white silk button up shirt. Taking out my hair from it's bun I redo it to make it look it better letting two strands hang loosely framing my face. Finally I grab my black and gold wedges completing the look, walking downstairs. Oh yeah! I need to eat that birth control flower Hwanwoong happens to have. I run around the corner, and surprisingly right into Youngjo's firm chest.

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