28. Unwelcomed Guest

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" That's the second time today, " I say smelling Sungmi's and Keonhee's strong scents fill the air.

" Geonhak and I aren't even this bad, " I feel his chest rumble under me as he lowly growls.

" Keonhee managed to get his heat two weeks late. Thank god we have Hwanwoong again. His heat was a real pain this time around, " Seoho says sipping his water next to us on the couch.

" God I know. I felt bad he sounded like he was dying every time we tried cooling him down, " I say feeling Geonhak's grip slowly become loose, as he falls asleep with me in between his legs.

I sigh laying back against Geonhak's firm chest, resting my head under his chin, being careful not to wake him up.

" How's he been holding up? " I hear Dongju ask, as he walks into the room sitting in a large chair in front of us.

" Stressed. I feel bad for him almost. He's been worrying about the other baby's condition because of how weak it is, " the two boys nod until Seoho speaks up again.

" Have you talked to Eunjin about it, or maybe even Hwanwoong? " Seoho says making me sigh, as I nod.

" She said it's natural for things like this to happen. She said it may not be ok, but there's nothing she can do, " Seoho just relaxes against the couch letting the room go in a comfortable silence for a bit.

" Have you guys talked about what gender you two want? " Dongju says, feeling the mood lift immediately.

" We both want two boys. It's exciting to cause we find out in 4 days, " Seoho laughs, making both Dongju and I look at him funny.

" I have a feeling why you two don't want a girl, " I smirk leaving Dongju the only one confused now.

" I literally don't get it. What am I missing here? " Dongju says as both Seoho and I laugh.

" Geonhaks extremely protective, I'm sure we all know this by now. He wouldn't let his poor daughter get a mate, or even see any boys, " Dongju laughs now finally getting the joke, as I continue.

" If she did try and bring an alpha male home all hell would break loose cause he'd try and dominate the other alpha, " I say rubbing over my medium sized stomach.

" I'm still concerned though. His nightmares went away luckily, and he's stronger than he's ever been, but. He's still bashing himself on what if he's the cause if we loose the other baby, " I say rubbing over his large hands that are resting on the couch.

" It'll be fine. Everything will be ok. We promise. You'll have both of your babies, and Geonhak will be a proud father, " Seoho says making me tear up a bit.

I was about to hug Seoho until we hear Keonhee and Sungmi laughing, walking to where we all are.

" Shhhhhh! Geonhaks asleep! " I whisper yell to the two extremely loud mates, as they be quiet immediately.

" My bad Y/N. Where's Hwanwoong I'm starving, " Keonhee says making Sungmi nudge his arm.

" You just ate literally an hour ago, " she says giggling, as I watch the two feeling happy for them.

" Yeah but you made me do all the work this time, " I shake my head not wanting to hear anymore, trying to get up.

Dongju scolds Keonhee for saying what he did, as I lean up trying not to wake Geonhak. I grip the arm rest trying to pull myself up, until I see feet appear in front of me. I look up seeing a smiley Youngjo holding out his hand for me while Hwanwoong sits in a different chair beside Dongju's. Sungmi and Keonhee basically take my spot, sitting a little ways down from Geonhak, and his stretched out body. I look back seeing him still peacefully sleeping.

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