45. Travel

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Geonhak POV

" He's been crying for almost an hour now. What do we do? " I hear Hwaseong ask Dongju from outside the door.

" We just have to let him cope on his own. For now we have to do our best to take care of Kyungmo, " he says walking away from the room hearing Hwaseong follow behind him.

My hands shake harder than they ever have before, as I hold her shirt to my chest inhaling her intoxicating scent. I haven't stopped crying ever since I walked in the door. My entire body hurts, but nothing can compete with this strong acheing pain in my heart. I could hear everyone downstairs talking to each other about how it was a bad idea to make her leave, and that Kyungmo still needed her. Tuning everyone out all I can hear is my shakey breaths, as I try and calm myself down. Suddenly a knock on the door makes me jump, as I see Sungmi walk in with Kyungmo in her arms.

" Hey.... I brought him, I think he'd like to see his dad, " Sungmi says making me smile sadly at her, letting me take Kyung from her grasp.

" W-When are y-you due? " I stutter sniffling a little, wiping my eyes.

" In four months. Try not to worry Seoho, Dongju, and Seolhee are taking good care of the castle, " she tells me making me nod in response.

She leaves quickly shutting the door softly behind her. Looking down at Kyung he looks around the room specifically at my side of the room waving his hands around. Smiling at him I bring him close to my face kissing his cheek softly hearing him make little noises.

" It's just us now. We'll be ok, I promise, " I tell the little baby that could really care less what happens.

" Hey there's some familiar scents entering our area what do you want us to do? " looking down at Kyungmo then to Dongju I sigh trying to stand letting my legs become unbelievably shakey, dropping back down to the bed with Kyung in my grasp.

" I'm fine just take Mo back to Sungmi. Tell the others to come outside too, " he nods before taking the tiny confused baby out of my arms rushing out the room and down the stairs.

Trying to stand again I grip Y/N's bed side table tightly, standing myself up surprisingly. The part I'm holding tightly breaks off making me stumble forward a bit, as I catch myself on the wall. I groan from the sudden movement, and action to my hand feeling it pulse and sting.

' Geonhak they're here, and you know exactly who they are, ' Dongju tells me in the link, as I hear footsteps from outside.

Trying to get up again I groan practically growling at how immobile I am as I sit back down.

' I can't get up just take Seoho with you. If possible take Youngjo if he's in good shape, ' I say laying down closing my eyes breathing in her scent feeling myself relax easily.

I miss her.


Feeling someone scoop me up I don't even bother opening my eyes knowing I'm safe from his soft honey scent I love so much.

" You're ok I've got you. Tell me everything when we get back, " he whispers in my ear making me smile weakly at him, opening my eyes now to see the tall gorgeous man illuminated by the small amount of sun that still hasn't set.

" I missed you Junnie, " I tell him feeling his heart beat pick up.

" I missed you to. Let's get you home it's getting colder by the minute, " we were about to go until we heard heavy footsteps behind us making him turn around to reveal Seoho and Dongju.

" Y/N you contacted Victon? " Dongju asks making me nod biting my lip holding back tears.

" Why them? Why not go to the village, " I scoff pressing myself into Sejun's chest trying to get warm, as my teeth start chattering.

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