12. Kingdom Lockdown

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' Seoho wheres it coming from? ' Geonhak asks watching Seoho's fur on his back stand up.

' There's another smell. Like an ocean scent, ' Geonhak's fur stands up smelling it too.

' Guys it's probably best for you two stay here. Especially Y/N let me figure out where it's coming from, ' Geonhak growls having it sound almost like a roar, as he charges in front of Seoho stopping him.

' Fine you can both come, ' Seohos the first to jump over the ravine, as we quickly follow behind him seeing his eyes flash a neon gold color.

He smells it getting stronger, it's affecting him in a way. His legs start to shake, as he walks closer to where the smells coming from. Geonhak sees me get skiddish feeling that somethings wrong. His face becomes straight, as he walks with his body pressed against mine practically making his tail hold mine. Feeling myself start tensing up again when we see Seoho stop in front of us. Geonhak rubs his head against my neck calming me down.

' Come up here but be quiet she's sleeping, ' Leedo and I quickly walk up to where Seoho is looking to the side seeing a large cave with a completely white female wolf in it.

Feeling light wind against my legs I look behind us seeing Seoho's tail wag super fast. The sight makes me smile, as we follow our leader walking to the cave. Seoho stops 2 feet in front of her getting skiddish suddenly.

' Guys I don't like this I smell two scents, ' we smell the air smelling what he does.

I recognize the ocean scent from somewhere I just don't know where though. Suddenly we hear loud thumping coming from the left of us where the large trees are. All of us stand on edge not feeling right about the situation.

' Come on we have to go something doesn't feel right, ' Geonhak says stepping closer to me.

' We can't just leave her here then! What if she's my mate! ' Geonhak stands on the other side of Seoho pushing him out the cave trying to get him to leave.

' We'll find her next time come on we have to go, or we'll get hurt, ' hearing Leedo start to become anxious my legs start shaking watching the two males fight their instincts.

Whimpering in fear hearing the thumping grow louder I nudge Geonhak's body nodding towards the direction of our home.

' We can't just leave her here! ' Geonhak huffs before grabbing onto Seoho's paw by his mouth pulling him away.

Finally bribing Seoho to leave we all run as fast as we can not looking back, except Seoho. I see that he's mad, huffing violently running faster and faster until he's almost out of Geonhak and I's sight. Feeling bad I hang my head low slowing down my running. Geonhak slows down next too me whimpering. I look up at him seeing his soft pink and purple eyes focus in on mine. I just want to be home I feel very bad for Seoho. Picking up my speed again we all finally make it home watching Seoho shift immediately. Keonhee stands in the middle of the yard trying to talk to an angry Seoho, but he just ignores him putting on his clothes. I let my ears lay flat, and hang my tail in between my legs walking next to Gunhak who just shifted. Geonhak only gets his boxers and pants on before Seoho starts yelling at him. Keonhee comes and stands next to me petting my fur watching the two argue, spitting nasty things towards each other.

" Why didn't you let me take her with us! Just cause you have a mate you don't want me to have one! " you can clearly hear the hurt in his voice, as we watch his eyes tear up.

" It's not like that Lee Seoho! We're brothers it's our job to protect each other, and you as a leader should know that! " I lower my head flinching from their sharp voices getting submissive.

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