51. Mending bonds

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Geonhak POV

The quiet talking throughout the castle makes me anxious to leave, as I watch the rising sun light up the land. I'm finally coming for my queen. My baby. My love. My flower. Kyungmo's grown since she last saw him too, so it'll be a pleasant surprise for her. He barely cried last night, and went to sleep fairly easily. I let him sleep by my side in the bed while we both awaited for the bright sun to make the land orange and pink. Hearing shifting I look to my side to see Kyung peacefully staring up at me, wiggling like a worm. Feeling giddy I walk over to the bed placing him directly under my body, placing my hands over his head.

" We get to see mommy today, " I say in a high pitch baby voice making him smile and flail his arms around.

" We haven't seen her in a while huh? " I tell the happy baby picking him up seeing him look at the door as soon as he gets in my arms.

Suddenly Seoho walks in startling me.

" Seoho! I think Kyung just sensed that you were coming! " I shout excitedly seeing Seoho's face light up.

" What! How do you know? " he asks with a big smile on his face walking up to Mo placing his finger in his hand.

" He looked at the door before you came in, " Seoho squeals in excitement making noises that amuse the baby causing him to squeal back.

" He maybe an alpha then. He's growing very quickly, " Seoho says grabbing his foot now still smiling.

" He'd be strong like his dad then, " pressing my forehead against his I smile looking at his big brown eyes.

" I just came in here to tell you that we're all ready to go, and that Sungmi is staying since she's pregnant, " I respond with a simple ok before grabbing the bag I brought to MAS.

Taking out the wolf carrier I throw it over my shoulder still holding Kyung in one arm. Grabbing the bag I head out the door closing it seeing that mostly everyone's already outside. The snow is going to be kind of hard to navigate through, and hard to keep Kyungmo warm. Sighing I place the bag down looking to the castle to see Dongmyeong and Dongju walk out talking with each other. Right now we only have Giwook's, Seoho's and Dongju's mate now most of the boys following behind Seoho. Once Seoho locks up the castle everyone walks to where the rest of our packs are in the middle of the field.

" No matter what happens we have to stay together ok? No one betrays anyone and everyone stays together. There's a lot of us, we're very powerful all together. When we get there Geonhak and Oneus excluding the mates are the only ones to walk up to those doors. Got it? " Seoho asks all of us with everyone agreeing.

" Good. Now let's head out we have some ground to cover, " Yonghoon speaks up now signaling for all of us to shift.

Looking at everyone thats already shifted I wonder how I'm going to do this with Kyung in my grasp.

" Hak let me help you, " Harin says walking up to me letting me pass Mo to him.

I undress and shift easily nudging the carrier on the ground. He nods putting Kyung comfortably in it, wrapping it tightly around me. You can barely see my baby since he's completely engulfed in my thick all black fur. Nodding to Harin he nods black smiling shifting after he walks a bit back. Picking up the bag in my jaws I walk to the front of the packs with Seoho, Hwaseong, and Yonghoon. Seeing everyone ready to go Seoho barks taking off into the forest first triggering all of us to sprint behind him. The cold air makes my adrenaline rush, and sprint faster than before ducking under a bunch of stray tree limbs. My heart rate speeds up dramatically making me breath harder hearing everyone behind me running as fast as they could too.

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