If Only You Knew

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Alison's POV

I arrived at Emily's house and climbed my way up into her window, I opened the window and pulled myself up and inside her room. Wow, her room is exactly the same as I remember it. Damn! She's asleep. Ugh all this way for nothing.

I almost slipped on something on the floor. It was her phone. Out of curiosity I unlocked her phone.

"Poor Emily! Maybe you could have had her in Paris!

I sighed.

My phone would be on the other side of the room too if I got something like that. I thought to myself.

I sat silently at her desk, looking through her phone I intended to find her number, but my blood began to boil as I saw that her last text was from..Pigskin.

"I love you, Emily. See you on Monday.😘"

That BITCH. Ugh, I just want Emily's number, since she's asleep.

After I had entered her information into the few contacts I had, Emily shifted in her sleep. I froze, hoping she wasn't awake.

"I'd love to go to Paris with you, Ali" she breathed.

It brought a smile to my face that she still had dreams about me. Sometimes I would ask her to sleep over so I could hear her talk about me in her sleep. Dumb, but it made me feel good that someone cared about me as much as she did. I couldn't say that about my own family.

If only you knew how much I really wanted to take you there. I whispered.

I left as quietly as I came in, quickly disappearing back into the darkness. My only hope was that she would come alone. Thinking A would just go away, like the disease she is, and leave me and my friends alone, was stupid.

I should have stopped this before I had mercilessly tortured Emily and her feelings. What I did was unforgivable, I mean, I wouldn't..if I were her. She deserved better. It took me so long to realize she was the only one that always saw the best in me, when I knew I was the biggest bitch in the world. She cared the most even though I made her miserable.

Hopefully she can find it in her heart to at least forgive me.

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