My Mind Is Spinning

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Emily's POV

We all sat there in silence, soaking up all Cece had to say, frozen, but I was still confused. Cece Drake has a twin, and she's the one we got kicked out of college?

"I was playing double agent you know. I wanted to meet her and I thought I was looking into a mirror. I hadn't seen Courtney's face in almost three years. She looked so different..." Cece explained shaking her head.

"So you really were on the A-Team?" Spencer asked.

"Yes" she admitted.

"Why the hell would you try to saw Emily in half?!" Alison snapped. "You knew how I felt about her. You teased me after that..moment of weakness I had." She nearly whispered the last part.

"I was following orders. I didn't know Emily was in the box," pausing to wipe tears from her eyes, "I was told to saw the box in half. I was stupid, okay? Stupid for thinking that it was just a simple task. I couldn't hear her screaming over the machine."

"You honestly thought -A just wanted you to saw something in half?" I asked, still confused.

"Honestly, it was a little suspicious. But I didn't think she'd do something so deranged as putting my friends first love in a box." She said looking at me than Ali. "I hope you can forgive me some day."

"Why only some day?" Ali asked.

"Well, we saw each other's faces. She hates me, remember? She's framing me for the murder of Wilden. Maybe I won't be on immense lockdown if I don't resist arrest. But you, kiddo, need to find a safe place to crash. Because soon, my apartment won't even be safe."

"Good luck Cece," giving her a tight hug "this could really help us. Do you know where she is?"

"Emily, I told you, I don't want any of you looking for her. She's a psychopath and extremely dangerous. But I'm sorry, I don't know where she is."

"Okay, it's more than we knew before," Ali closed in giving her a hug, "listen, Cece, thanks for everything."

"Don't mention it kiddo, now please all of you get the hell out of my apartment. Before I cry. I hate goodbyes. By the way, Noel put your phones in Spencer's car."
After a grueling train ride, we were back in Philly, I made Ali sit in the middle seat in the back with me and Hanna in case any other -A shenanigans were to occur they'd have to shoot through me first. It's been such a long night. Paige attempted murder on my Ali, my nerves were pun intended. Ughh.

"I don't care what Cece says. We're gonna take her down" Ali stated.

"Well of course we are Ali. But we have to save this for another day. I'm so tired" Hanna complained.

"Yeah I think we're all tired Han, do you have a place to stay Ali?" Spencer asked.

"Ali can stay with me, my mom won't be home until next week." I said while suppressing a yawn. "Well if you wanna stay with me, of course." I sheepishly smiled at her.

"Well, I feel the safest with Em, no offense to the rest of you guys." She began to stumble with words sleepily.

" two have been secretly meeting for how long?"

"Han..." Aria began.

"About a month. Save the rest of your questions for later...I just wanna go home." looking at me with the look of exhaustion in her hypnotic blue eyes.
"Okay Em, we're here. Do you need any help getting sleeping beauty to your front door?" Spencer inquired gesturing towards a sound asleep Ali on my shoulder.

"No," I smiled, "I'll manage it just fine."

I lifted Alison gently out of the car and towards my door feeling a little flutter in my heart as I carried her over the threshold. I paused to lock the door behind me and I carried her upstairs.

I gently laid her down on my bed. I quickly got an oversized Rosewood Sharks t-shirt and returned back to Ali. She was out cold, as gently as I could I undressed her, slipped the shirt over her head and tucked her in.

I changed into sweats and pulled her close wrapping my arms around her waist.

Yeah, my sleeping beauty. I smiled and and eventually fell asleep.

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