Samara & Sydney

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Emily's POV

It was a little nerve-wracking to explain that I was setting up the new girl Sydney with another girl after school today to Alison. I half expected steam to come out of her ears, but I'll just leave it as I was very pleasantly surprised at her answer.

"Em, you're so sweet. You really go out of your way to help people." She smiled.

"Well, since we're not keeping anything from each other, I'm also trying to set her up because she made some comments about you that were inappropriate." I explained.

I saw her whole demeanor change as soon as I said the last part of my sentence. "Really, like what?" She crossed her arms.

"Even though she saw you on the news, she still asked me what her chances were with you." I replied.

"That's incredibly rude, did she say or do anything else?" Her face contorted in disgust and annoyance.

"No, but she did go through my messages with you, although she claims she just saw a banner with a preview of your text saying that you were waiting for me."

"I don't like this girl already. She sounds like trouble." She grimaced.

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly, that's why I'm trying to get her a girlfriend so she'll stay the hell away from us."

"I've waited far too long for a relationship with you, nobody is ever going to come between us without a fight." She assured.


I don't know why I was so nervous to text her. Maybe because things didn't end very well, what if she changed her number? It's now or never. I got ready to compose a text to Samara.


Hi, it's been a while Em Bear😊

Yeah, I'm sorry about you know, everything that happened.😔

I just don't understand why you did it.😣

Well, I could explain it to you. But it's very complicated to do over text. I want you to meet someone. Could you meet me at the Brew?

Okay Emily, as long as I get an explanation and a ride there, I'll meet whoever you want me to meet.☺️

You're a lifesaver, Samara.

Don't mention it, Em?


I still have feelings for you.


Oh god, Samara still has feelings for me and Sydney has feelings for Ali. This could get very complicated and it only makes me more nervous to be in the same room as Sydney and Samara. I drove to her hour and she got into the front seat.

"Hi Emily!" She smiled.

"Hi, so I owe you a huge apology but I can explain."

The whole car ride to the Brew I explained everything from -A blackmailing me to give her friend my number, to where I currently stand in a relationship with Alison.

"So, you clearly don't want to get back together." She said sadly.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm finally with the girl I've been waiting my whole life to be with."

"Alison DiLaurentis? I thought she was dead." She looked confused.

"Well, she's not dead, she was hiding from -A. But now that the terrorist that is -A is out of our lives we can continue a life that's somewhat normal." I explained.


"But I want to introduce you to someone. I know it doesn't really make up for my mistakes but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

"You're not taking me to meet Alison are you?"

"No! I mean, that would be awkward. Ali wouldn't be pleased. But if you do want to meet her sometime, I can arrange that to happen." I offered a smile.

"Sounds good Em Bear."


We finally arrived at the Brew and Sydney was sitting at a table. I waved to her and she immediately stood up.

"Samara, this is Sydney Driscoll. She's new in town. Sydney, this is Samara Cook" I introduced.

"Well, its good to meet a friend of Emily's." She smiled warmly.

I mentally cringed at the thought of Sydney being my friend but shook it off. If they have each other nothing will get in the way of my relationship with Ali.

"You're really pretty." Sydney blurted out.

"Thank you, you're pretty cute too." She winked.

"I'm going to get drinks, what do you guys want?" I asked.

"Oh, a water is fine with me." Sydney answered.

"Actually, can I get a Coke? If you dont mind of course." Samara asked politely.

"No problem." I smiled.


"Samara and Sydney really hit it off" I excitedly told Ali.

"Who is this Samara girl?" Ali asked.

"Oh, we kinda were a thing a year ago. Nothing serous though, I had a feeling you were still out there." I explained.

Ali blushed. "I still can't believe I was always in your heart, even when everyone believed I died."

"You'll always be my number one. Don't you ever forget that." I smiled. "Oh, are you coming to my swim meet tonight? It's the last one this year."

"Of course, I'll be the loudest one there." She winked. "even though I already know you're gonna win" kissing my forehead.

"You're so sweet when you want to be."

"I'm normally mean?" She faked being hurt.

"No, just a little reserved." I smirked.

"What time is your swim meet?"

"It's at seven." I looked at the clock, "Speaking of which I should probably get going." I said biting my lip.

"I'll be there Em, no doubt about it. I just need to take care of a couple things before I get there." She winked.

"One for good luck?" I pouted.

She pulled me in for a kiss that took my breath away.

"Good luck, Killer."

I can't believe she forgot today's my birthday.

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