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We have reached the end! It's been an amazing time writing this story and watching it grow with every single one of you. Thank you so much for your support. I'm working on a new fanfic that nobody has ever done before. It's called Pyramids and the release date is gonna be February 1st at 6:00PM EST Thank you for standing by me and dealing with my crappy update speed lol I'll see you soon again, I love you guys! This one is for all the Emison shippers that haven't given up on them and all my glorious readers, enjoy your happy ending! :')


*Five Years Later Paris, France*


Emily's POV

"Mommy! Time to get up!" Shay jumped up and down on the bed. "Mama is taking us shopping!"

"Come here love," the five year old scooted closer to me while I wiped the corners of her mouth. I put my finger tips in my mouth to taste it. "did you have a chocolate croissant for breakfast?"

"Uh huh! Mama let you sleep and we went out for breakfast. Sasha didn't really like Mommy's croissant, but she liked mine! OH and Mommy brought you back a strawberry one." She pointed to the paper bag on the nightstand excitedly.

"Where is Mama?" I asked Shay earnestly.

"She's giving Sasha a bath, she made a mess!" She giggled.

"Okay love, I'm getting up." I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the curtains and spread them wide open, soaking in the beautiful view from our hotel room.

"Mama says this is the city of love." Shay whispered.

I smiled. "That's right, that's the nickname for where we are. Do you remember where we are on our vacation?"

"PARIS!" She shouted happily.

"That's right Shay, do you remember what Mama taught you in French?"

"Bonjour je t'aime!" She echoed.

"Do you remember what that means?"

She giggled and shook her head.

"It means 'Hello, I love you'" I explained

"OH YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT!" She clapped her hands. "Can you pick me up? I wanna see the city!"

"Okay, but you gotta give Mommy a kiss and use your magic words."

She gave me a peck on the cheek. "Mommy can you please pick me up so I can see the city?"

"Of course munchkin." I picked her up to the window.

"Wooooow...it's so pretty from way up here."

"Shay?! Can you get Mama a towel? I forgot to get one for Sasha's bath!" Ali called from the bathroom.

"Yes, Mama!" She shimmied out of my grasp and bolted towards the bathroom. "Mama! Mommy is awake!"

"Emily! Can you come help me with Shay please? She's about to run around the hotel without a towel!" Alison pleaded.

"I'm coming Ali," I was too late and a giggling two year old ran under my legs. "Sasha! Come to Mommy, you need to get dressed silly goose!" I quickly captured the wet toddler in my arms.

"No no no no no no!" She giggled pushing my face away.

"Ohhh here comes the tickle monster!" I attacked her sides causing her to scream with laughter.

"I don't see any clothes on you, Mommy I thought you were getting her dressed." She smirked.

I smiled, "Sorry, I got a little sidetracked." I put Sasha down.

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