The Unspoken Secret

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Emily's POV

I woke up to a light knock on our door, I peered over seeing Ali was unfazed by the noise. I sighed and untangled myself from the sheets. Discarded robes and wands were strewn about all over the room, before I answered the door, I checked my appearance in the mirror; I was just wearing a white shirt that was standard with the Hogwarts uniform, I was very disheveled and still wearing my Ravenclaw tie. I also had a dark red bite mark on my neck. I opened the door, standing slightly behind it, since I wasn't wearing any pants, I'm not too keen on my friends seeing me in my underwear.

"Oh, Em. Is this a bad time?" Aria asked.

"Ali is still asleep, wanna just go to your room?" I yawned.

"Oh my gosh, does that hurt?" She gently reached out and touched the mark.

"Ow, just a little, let me just get some pants and I'll be right over."

"Okay, thanks Em." She smiled.

I grabbed the first pair of shorts that I knew were mine on off the floor, checked tI make sure I had a room key and quietly made my way to Aria's door.


"Soooo, what's going on Aria?"

"I need to ask you something. I kinda need advice, the kind only you can give me." She started pacing and wringing her hands nervously.

"I'm all ears." I offered a small smile to try and calm her nerves.

"Okay I like a...person and this..person likes me back." She started

"Where's the problem?" I laughed. "But that's great who's this lucky "person"?" I lied sleepily.

"It's actually a girl, that's why I came to you." She said quietly.

"Awesome! Do I know her?" I lied again.

Of course I do, I practically forced it out of Alison




"That's great!" I grinned.

"We aren't together yet though." She bit her lip.

"Why not?" I asked.

"What if Spencer doesn't approve?" She whispered.

"Wait, I know you and Spencer are the closest of friends, but why would your final decision be based off of her opinion?" I shook my head.

She looked away from me. "It's...complicated."

"Well, that's not the first time I heard that one." I rolled my eyes. "But how is it exactly complicated?"

"I dunno, I guess I just really want Spencer's blessing, but I'm scared to tell her." She admitted.

"Why? I'm sure Spencer will approve of Hanna, we've known each other forever, but you can't hide this from her." I explained.

"Are you sure?" She winced.

"Spencer will be really upset if she finds out before you tell her, Ar. I'm not saying I'll tell, but I don't approve of hidden relationships." I crossed my arms.

She sighed and ran her hands through her dark brown hair. "'re right. Should I call a meeting then? I want everyone to find out at the same time."

"That's a great idea." I smiled. "Don't be afraid, Spencer is strong as an ox, she'll be happy for you." I comforted.


We're gathered together inside Spencer's hotel room. Hanna is pacing back and forth and Aria is continuing to wring her hands.

"Soooooo, what's going on?" Spencer asked slowly.

Aria took a deep breath, "Spencer..." she started.

"We're a thing!" Hanna blurted, turning white as a ghost.

"What?" Spencer asked.

"I'm dating Hanna" Aria whispered.

I turned to look at Spencer, her facial expression looked calm, but I know she's imploding on the inside. I have this way of knowing when my friends or close family are trying to hide something. I'll need to get to the bottom of this.

Spencer's POV

I gulped, trying to keep my walls up. "How long has this been going on?" I articulated smoothly.

"This morning. I wanted your blessing before anything happened." Aria replied quietly.

I put on my award winning fake smile. "Well, congrats! I'm happy for you two"

"Are you okay, Spence?" Hanna asked, cocking her eyebrow.


"Of course, why wouldn't I be okay?" I laughed

"Well, I'm very happy for you two!" Alison exclaimed.

Emily's eyes were locked on me, like she was peeling the truth out of my eyes.

Oh god.

"Awesome!" Hanna exhaled in relief. "We're still going out for drinks right?"

"Yeah. I should probably go get ready." I smiled. Emily was staring at me like she knows I'm lying.

"Right, us too, since we share a room." Ali said while getting up. "Em, are you coming?"

"Yeahhh." She kept her eyes on me up until she had shut the door.

When all the other girls left my room I sunk to the floor with my head in my hands. I tried to absorb everything that just happened. I did everything right, what happened? Where did I go wrong? Why does Hanna have Aria and not me?

I felt the tears starting to stream down my face.

"This isn't happening." I whispered to myself.

I just thought it was an unspoken secret. Something that was so painfully obvious, that nobody would break the bond I have with Aria. We've been friends since the beginning, even before Alison bringing all of us together. It kills me inside that Hanna won her heart. How do I even deal with this? I mean I do have Toby, but I've always belonged to her. Everything about her was so perfect, she wasn't afraid to be different, even when Alison was a bitch to all of us. Aria stood up for Hanna when she was on a tirade and insulted Han after The Jenna Thing. I always admired her for that. It absolutely killed me when she moved to Iceland. Eventually I came to terms with it, I didn't think she would be coming back, so maybe my feelings would finally disappear. But they just came back, as soon as we made eye contact with each other on that first day of school. I feel bad for using Toby as a wall to hide behind, I couldn't figure out how to tell her, now it's too late.

I'll never get to be the reason for her face to light up when she smiles, the reason her eyes twinkle when she talks about me the way she has with Fitz, she's my everything, and I'll always be just...Spencer to her.

There was a sudden knock on my door, I pulled myself together the best I could, wiped my tears and took a deep breath as I opened the door, revealing Emily behind it.

"Emily, what are you doing here?" I asked calmly.

"We need to talk." She said before letting herself in.

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