Let The Games Begin

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Emily's POV

"I'm gonna murder you in the pool"

Those words have been echoing in my mind for hours, it doesn't help that the swimmer from Germany is glaring at me across the room. I've never directly been called a dyke before, I didn't even know what to say to that, I'm usually not this affected by someone's words and it's keeping me from eating my breakfast. My teammate Laura picked up on it, I guess I'm not very good at hiding my qualms anymore.

"Emily, are you okay?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, I just feel homesick." I lied quietly while looking away from this antagonistic woman.

"No, it's more than that. That girl has been giving you the death glare for hours." She said gesturing toward her.

"I heard her name was Helga." Taylor said suddenly. "She's like a monster, I'm surprised she passed the drug tests."

"Taylor." Michaela scolded.

"What? Okay, she has the ferocity of a lion, that's abnormal, and she scares the shit out of me." Taylor exclaimed.

"Yeah, she does have some strange quirks, but don't let her get to you Em, she can't touch you." Michaela agreed.

"She was so nice to show up at my door and tell me I don't deserve to be here...she used some choice words too." I muttered.

"Really?!" Taylor almost spit out her food. "What did she say?"

"It doesn't matter." I said quietly.

"Hold on, yes it does Emily and you have every right to be here. Your times are damn near legendary in the pool, she's just being her usual nasty self because she wants to throw you off your game. She's just mad that she never won a medal and yet she manages to make the Olympic team for Germany every time. Plus you're the youngest on our roster. Don't let her inside your head." Laura assured.

"Laura's right, Em, just think about your friends and family and don't even give her the time of day." Michaela agreed. "She's so not worth stressing over."

I just nodded my head and started to pick at my food again.

"Emily, please eat your food, a champion doesn't win on an empty stomach." Laura grinned. "Plus if you don't, I'm sure Taylor is gonna eat it."

Taylor shot a glare at Laura. "Shut up."

I just laughed because it reminded me of how Hanna would say it, she would always say it like Regina George.

"Alright! I got her to laugh!" Laura high fived Michaela across the table

I shook my head and began to eat my breakfast.

Alison's POV

"Hey CeCe?" I whined.

"What's up kiddo?" She asked tiredly.

"Can I have some pickles and ice cream?" I pouted.

"Ewwww. And for breakfast?! No!" She shook her head

"Pleeeeeeeeeeease?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes

She sighed in defeat. "Sure, want chocolate sauce on it too?"

"That actually sounds really good, forget the pickles."

"Is Americano swimming today?" She asked.

"Yeah! I'm so excited to see her." I grinned.

"You two are so cute together." She said opening the freezer. "Do you want chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or rocky road? JESUS how much ice cream did Emily buy for you?!"

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