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Alison's POV

"I'm so glad you came" tears threatening to come out of my eyes.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again..I thought you hated me." a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"It's so hard to stay away. I couldn't cut you off and leave you broken like that."

"What made you change your mind? About seeing me again."

"I heard you arguing with didn't sound like you planned on her showing up."

"Yeah, things got a little ugly, I'm not talking to her right now." She hung her head in guilt. "I feel bad about yelling at her, I was just so angry she ruined our meeting."

"As much as it pissed me off, she was trying to make sure you were safe."

Emily put he face in her hands. "I'm such a jerk" she groaned.

"Em, look at me, you're not a jerk. I need your help."
I pointed at a painting on my wall. "Could you take this down for me?"

Emily took down the painting I was pointing at. I took the backing off and retrieved about five thousand dollars and slipped it into my coat pocket.

"Is this why I'm here? I thought you were going to tell me something important!" apprehension and frustration evident in her voice.

"I did need the money Em, but that's not why I wanted you to meet me here."

She crossed her arms and looked to my eyes, I swear I might have melted a little. "Okay then tell me, why am I here. What's so important?"

"I owe you an apology, for all the terrible things I've done to you. But I can explain, not that this is going to right all the wrong I've done you and make you forget about the agony I know I put you through, but I need to tell you the truth."

"Okay? So why are you apologizing? For using me and tossing me aside like a used rag doll?"

I looked into her eyes, seeing that she was fighting back tears. I took a deep breath.

"The first threat I got from -A...was a picture of us...kissing in the library."

Her eyes widened as she uncrossed her arms. "You didn't you show me?"

"I couldn't. That bitch threatened to send it to the entire school, Em, I panicked. I treated you like crap so that picture would never be seen."

"You treated me like crap so your reputation wouldn't be damaged."

I shook my head. "Actually no, Em. For once it wasn't about me. I did it to protect you."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"It did at the time. You didn't even understand who you were at the time." I scanned her face. "-A already knew how I felt before I could figure it out."

"Knew what, Ali?"

"How I really felt about you" I said quietly.


I nodded. "-A knew you liked me more than a friend. I couldn't let that bitch ruin your life. As much as I wanted my feelings to go away, they didn't. They just grew more and more with each passing day of being around you. Spending two years in hiding gave me time to realize the way I feel about you. That's why I wanted you here, to tell you in person."



"You had feelings for me? Real, honest feelings?"

I took a deep breath and went to sit down on my bed, tears silently falling down my face. "I didn't say they went away." Closing my eyes hoping for the worst. "I love you Em, I always have, and that's the truth."

Emily came back and sat next to me on the bed. She held my hands.

"Ali...I love you too. The feelings I had for you never went away either. I've dated a little bit, Maya...Samara..Paige...but they could never fill the void I had in my heart. Nobody could ever make me feel the way you did and there wasn't any way of someone taking your place. I just can't believe this is finally're even more beautiful than I remember Ali.."

I pulled her into my arms, I craved her touch. I put my face to her chest, listening to her heart beat, I sighed as I became comfortable.



I looked for a moment into her beautiful eyes, leaned forward and gently kissed her lips.

The feeling I had only a year ago after I had saved her from the barn came rushing back. I felt the sensation of being on fire, combined with the waves of electricity going through my body and the chills that went down my spine. I pulled away.

"Did you feel that too?" Emily asked nervously.

"Yeah...but it's getting late, as much as I want to stay right here with you forever, I have to go. Would you maybe want this to be a regular thing?"

Emily's face fell. "Secretly meeting up with you?"

"Em..only until it's safe for me to come home. You know that."

"I'd love to continue to see you again" shyly smiling at me.

"I missed you the most...I trust you the most too...please don't let me down Em"



"When this -A drama is over...would you want to don't have to say yes of"

God she's so cute when she's nervous.

"Em, I would love to officially be yours." I smiled. "When it's safe, would you feel comfortable going out with the 'dead' girl? Publicly?"

"Y-yeah" her cheeks flushed as she blushed.

"I really should get going..I already can't wait until I see you again."

"Please stay safe..and be careful."

"I will. Emily..I love you"

"I love you too, Ali"

With that, I slipped out the door and ran as fast as I possibly could, my heart fluttering the entire way back.

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