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Emily's POV

Every weekend so far, Alison came to see me or texted me to see her. Sometimes she would stick around Friday and Saturday, but leaving before Sunday sunrise, because she wasn't safe. It was amazing anyway. Just thinking about her made my heart skip a beat. Those perfectly golden locks and her hypnotic blue eyes..they remind me of the ocean, and I drown in them every time. Everything about her is absolutely beautiful and mesmerizing.

She's grown up, the only thing that's changed is our relationship status. I can never get over the fact that she loves me, I feel so much better inside knowing my feelings are being returned and it's no longer a game. She won't permanently come back until this whole drama with -A terrorizing us is over. This only makes me more determined than before to get rid of -A.

Ali was on my mind all day. Thankfully today is Friday, which means I get to see Ali again. I bailed on so much for my friends. I had the most terrible excuses to why I wasn't able to hang out with them on the weekends, as far as I know they bought my excuses. I didn't want to lie to them, or have them be angry with me if they find out, but I promised I wouldn't tell the other girls right now. I never break my promises.

When lunch rolled around they were definitely suspicious. It made me nervous.

"Emily, are you trying to deliberately avoid us?" Spencer asked crossing her arms.

"I am not avoiding you guys. I came over yesterday."

"Yeah, I'm with Spence on this one. Your mind is somewhere else whenever we try to talk to you" Hanna countered.

Aria held up her hands. "Okay! You guys, Emily probably has a lot of things to think about. It's not a crime. Relax, she'll talk about whatever is on her mind when she's ready to talk."

"Thanks Ar, and I'm sorry. I do have a lot on my mind."

Hanna gave me a tight hug "We're always gonna be here for you Em, I'm sorry. I hope you can tell us soon though. We miss you." She admitted.

The other two girls nodded their heads in agreement. I gave them a small smile. I'm so lucky to have them.

"Of course, wanna hang out...let's say Tuesday at my place? If you aren't busy of course." Spencer added.

"I have swimming until 5:00 on Tuesdays. Other than that I'm totally free."

"Great! We all care so much about you Em, it's just hard sometimes." Hanna dropped her head down.

"Tuesday is a date, don't worry about it. But since I have a free period today so I'm gonna practice, I have a huge meet coming up next week." I gave them a warm smile.

I turned and exhaled a breath of relief. I couldn't wait to see Ali tonight. Seeing her on the weekends makes my week feel so much longer. But it's worth getting to hear her voice even if it's only for a couple days at a time. I'm just so excited for tonight.

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