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Alison's POV

Summer vacation is here in two weeks. I've never been this excited for a vacation since -A was just a letter to us. I'm just so happy that this traumatic period of our lives is over and we don't need to worry about any interferences.

"You know, you never did give me the chance to braid your hair" I whispered to Emily

Em sits in front of me in English and we're watching Much Ado About Nothing since there's like five days of school left.

"Well, go ahead." She said while tilting her head back.

"I just recently caught up with everything that was trendy and finally saw The Hunger Games. Hanna can't laugh at me any more." I said shooting a glare at Hanna.

"Hahaha Jennifer Lawrence is pretty. Archery looks so cool." She admitted.

"I know it's unlike me to do anything that isn't shopping and tanning by the pool, but would you wanna take archery lessons with me? I kinda scheduled them in a half hour at my place." I asked.

I thought she was gonna break her neck she turned around so fast to look at me.

"Are you serious?" She grinned.

"If you don't want to, it's cool. I just kinda don't wanna do it unless you're with me." I started to look away.

"No! That sounds awesome!" She insisted. "I'd love to do archery with you."

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I bet I'd be better at it than you!" She said sticking out her tongue.

"Is that a challenge Emily?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's a promise, Ali."

"After school then?" I smirked.


"Shit!" I said as I missed the target.

"Hahaha, here let me show you." She stood behind behind me, lining up my shot. "Okay now let it fly."

I let it go and hit the middle of the red target. "How are you so good at this?" I pouted.

"Actually, I have no idea, guess I'm just a natural." She said biting her lip.

"Damn Fields, I had no idea you were good at anything other than swimming!" I turned to look in the direction this unknown voice.

This is a girl I've never seen before, is she new? More importantly how does she know Emily? I felt my face contort in annoyance.

"Hi...Sydney." She said quietly.

I quickly looked away.

What am I so angry for? This girl has the lips of Flappy Bird, not nearly as fabulous as me.

I took a deep breath and slowly looked back at this girl replacing my annoyance with a fake smile.

"Oh Em, who's this?" I asked sweetly.

"This is Sydney, that new girl that's dating Samara, remember?"

That's right

"Oh, we've never met, I'm Alison." I smirked.

"I know who you you're so much more beautiful in person." She said.


"Thanks." I felt my blood boil seeing her arm around Emily's neck.

"So..where are you from?" I asked politely.

"I came from Philly, but my parents got tired of the noise of the city, so we're here. Would you wanna hang out with us sometime?" She asked.

"Uhh I dunno..." Emily stuttered.

I could tell Emily wanted to say no, she's just too sweet to tell her otherwise. I, on the other hand, would've told her to get lost.

"Awww come on." She prodded.

"Um. Ali?" Looking at me for help.

This bitch clearly isn't getting it. Does she not see that I have a weapon in my hand?

I scowled and launched another arrow, killing a raven, and pinning it just outside the target. I shot a glare in her direction.

"Bitch." I sneered.

"Ummm I'll talk to you later Emily." Sydney awkwardly stepped backwards before walking away.


"Well, that's a way to make someone go away." She offered a small smile.

"What the hell is her problem? Does she want to piss me off?" I frowned.

"Actually..she likes you Ali."

"Emily. Seriously? That's not funny."

"I'm serious! She's the one who made comments about having a chance with you and"


"It made me insecure because I love you so much and I'm not good at being mean to people and-"


"I'm scared of losing you because you're gorgeous and-"

"EMILY!" I shouted rubbing my temples.

She was in tears and it only made me feel so much worse.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to look weak in front of you." She started to run away but I grabbed her wrist.

" never look weak." I said quietly.

"I feel so helpless when she looks at you-"

"Em there's nothing to be worried about. I love you, it's gonna take a lot more than a spawn of FlappyBird to take my attention away from you." I smiled.

"I just feel know." She looked down.

"You should never, I mean have you seen yourself or see how many thoughtful things you do for me?" I got on my toes and kissed her nose.

"I love you."

"Hey Em?"


"If we were to get married..oh stop with the face! I'm sure we'll be married some day. But what would our last name be? I'm not okay with a hyphenated name, Em, it's tacky."

She laughed. " would be Alison Fields or I would be Emily DiLaurentis." She grinned.

"How exactly does that work?" I asked

"I actually don't know. I think it's about whoever proposes first. Like if you proposed I would be Emily DiLaurentis...and if I proposed, you would be Alison Fields." She flushed.

"Well, that's fair." I smirked.

"I feel better now that my issue with Sydney is off my chest." She admitted.

"Should I be worried about this Samara girl Em? I don't like competition either."

"Oh no, Samara is as loyal as they come. I promise."

"That's what I like to hear." I kissed her gently. "Let's go home."

"Even though Sydney was so rude to interrupt...I had fun today."

"Mmm, she's very annoying. I had fun scaring her away." I winked.

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