This Is Nice

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Hi guys! This is the penultimate chapter to Endgame, I'm both sad and excited about the end. The finale is Friday around 6PM EST. I know I have international readers and I'm sorry if you get confused because the timing is off or whatever. Granted, the updates are usually supposed to come out 6PM EST every time, but sometimes I read over my work and decide I had more to say, or I find a typo, I dunno. Sorry this is late, I'll have more information about Pyramids by Friday 6PM EST.

I wanna shout out a couple people before I start, these are all people on

AsaMoritz: Stolen Sunsets: The Alluring Facade is still one of my favorite fanfics I've ever read. Mainly because it's the first one I've ever read. I'm not a day one reader, but when it was first published, I was kinda going through a difficult time. One day I miraculously stumbled upon this work of art and I admired it so much that it ended up with me writing this fic. She's a really nice person and as far as I know, she has a really good ending planned and I suggest you stay tuned for that. Her Twitter is also: AsaMoritz

SpeakingOfInfinity: Behind Closed Doors is gonna be great, she's busy with school and all that jazz so she doesn't really update often but when she does it's magical; super gifted with words. She's also wicked funny and nice so it'll be worth your while. If you wanna follow the fic and drop her a review or follow her on Twitter it's: dozendyingroses

The next person probably needs no introduction. She's practically a legend and a fanfiction titan here and that would be BrittzandTana. This girl ALWAYS has something in the woodworks, she's so nice, and talented. Let Me Love You blew my mind. Her Twitter is also the same: BrittzandTana.

Jesus, I rambled too much! Let's get on with the story shall we?


Emily's POV

I'm packing up our things since it was finally time for us to go home and Alison is in the shower while Shay is asleep. I dressed her in a pink onesie with the words "Emison Baby" in the middle. Hanna got that for us and I think it's hysterical. I gaze lovingly at our new addition of the family, she's absolutely precious and I don't think anyone can compete with the amount of love I have for my two lovely ladies.

The shower stopped running and I sighed in content as the air of the room filled up with the aroma of her sweet scent. She started walking towards me, there were bags under her eyes and she had no make up on, she gave me a tired smile; the one she only saves for me to see.

"Hey beautiful," I pecked her lips "how are you feeling?"

"Honestly, less bitchy since I pushed the placenta out, but I'm a little sore from feeding the baby and I'm still a bit tired."

"How is it...that you're consistently beautiful, no matter what the circumstances are?" I smiled.

"Em stop it, I probably look hideous right now." She playfully swatted my shoulder.

I giggled. "I'm serious! You always look gorgeous. Teach me your ways."

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