Time's Ticking

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Emily's POV

"This is going to be so unbelievably hard for me Em. I still want to keep in touch with you, so if you have anything, a letter, package, whatever it may be, address it to:

A.D. Incorporated
P.O. Box 537
Wallingford PA

If there's a huge emergency log into this account:
mammagabusi is the password to get in.
Send the email to: gye21975

For now I'm staying in an apartment in Manhattan, it's over this tiny coffee shop/pastry place called The Mockingbird. I oversee the business for the owner. I love you and hopefully all of this can be over soon.

I must have gone over this a billion times. Ali trusts me enough to know what to do with this in case of emergencies.

I won't mess this up. I thought to myself.

It's been a month since I had last seen Alison. I've never been so in love with anyone in the whole world. I fear for her safety every moment of each passing day. Time goes by so slowly when you miss someone, it actually feels like forever. There are no longer any secrets between us, only the truth. It's like a new territory with Alison. It's nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time.

Paige understood that we aren't ever going to be together as a couple again, but she still wanted to be friends. So I agreed to be friends and nothing more. Nobody is about to come between Alison and I again.

I had saved a little bit of money out of my paycheck each week in case she needed any money if she was in a crisis. I was going to drop it off in her P.O. Box right after school. I didn't realize how much money I actually put aside for Ali. Going to school with this much cash on me while I was at school made me very anxious. I didn't wanna mess this up. I even lied to Paige, telling her my grandmother sent it to me as a late birthday present and I was going to deposit it into my bank account after school.

Get it together Em.

I approached Spencer at her locker, she was looking terrified as I noticed something in her hands.

Curious I walked up to her . "What's that?"

"A gift" she replied.

I took the bottle from her hands realizing it was the prescription medication Spencer is addicted to. With a frown on my face I rolled it over in my hands, realizing that it was indeed a gift from -A.

"At least it's better than a needle in the arm." I responded.

"Don't give -A any ideas" she said with a mortified look on her face.

"I'll take these and throw them away" I offered.

"No, I better. I wanna toss it far from this place" she said as she slipped the bottle into her bag. "You still up for operation money drop later?" She asked while closing her locker.

I nodded. "I can't let Ali down...again." Ugh I hate lying to Spence. As far as she knows she ruined my moment with Ali and I haven't seen her since then.

Hanna walked up to us with an expression of worry on her face. "Hey have you talked to Aria?"

"I texted her a while ago but I haven't heard back. Why?"

"Well I went to her house and lunch and she's not there and she's not answering her cell phone." Hanna replied.

"I think I have an idea of where she might be" Spencer answered.
We left school and went to Mr. Fitz's apartment. Hanna opened the door, as we all walked in, we saw that the place was trashed. Sitting in the rubble In a fetal position was Aria.

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