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Emily's POV

Today is officially the last day of junior year and Spencer made it a point to tell us to show up to school today because she has good news. Hopefully it really is good news, because I had to get a very grumpy Ali out of bed this morning. We were waiting at our favorite table per Spencer's request, Ali's head is in my lap and she's really pissed off.

"What is Spencer up to?" She asks while rubbing her eyes.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "I have no idea."

"Hey!" Aria plopped down next to us.

"Hey" we responded in unison.

"Wow Ali you look really tired." She sounded concerned.

"If that's a polite way of telling me I look like shit Aria, thanks." She snapped.

"Sorry. Have you guys seen Spencer yet?"

"No, but this better be good. I hate the last day of school, seven pointless hours in the heat." She complained. "I have the biggest headache" she whined.

"I know who's not getting any tonight." Hanna smirked and sat next to Aria.

"Shut up Hanna, I'm not in the mood, have you seen Spencer yet? I'm going back home in five minutes if she's not here with the spectacular news that I couldn't have stayed in bed for."

"Wow Em, what happened?" Hanna looked at me.

"Don't take it too personally, I don't think she's feeling well, the fact I had to drag her out of bed today doesn't help." I softly defended running my fingers through her hair.

"Hey guys!" Spencer walked up excitedly. "Wow, you look terrible Ali."

"Thanks. Now what is your news so I can go home?" She demanded.

"What's her problem?" Spencer looked at me.

"She's not feeling that well. I hate to be rude, but can we make this quick?" I pleaded with my eyes.

"I bet I could help." Spencer reached into her bag pulling out a pencil and a pad of paper. "What are her symptoms?"

"SPENCER HASTINGS WHY AM I HERE? For gods sake we're neighbors, couldn't you just have shouted through the window what you needed to tell me?"

"You might wanna consider closing your shades from time to time, you forget sometimes." She raised an eyebrow in amusement.


"Okay, pack your bags guys, because we're going to Florida! No parents either!" She shouted excitedly.

"Are we going to Disney World too?" Hanna squealed.

"Are our parents okay with this?" I asked. "You know how my mom is."

"Yes Hanna we're going to Disney World too. My mom checked with all our parents and they're all okay with it. We leave tomorrow!" She exclaimed.

"Stop. You're kidding right?" Ali asked.

Spencer slammed our boarding passes on the table. "Believe me now?" She smirked.

"Oh my god. Em help me up, we have to pack. That was so worth getting dragged out of bed." Ali exclaimed.

"I put you love birds together on the plane." Spencer winked.

"If you fall asleep I can't promise that we won't take pictures and put them on the internet." Hanna smirked.

"I'm not involved in this!" Aria defended with her hands up.

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