This Can't Be Good

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Emily's POV

So today is my final race, it's coming in a few hours, and it's my fourth straight race. Spencer has been super supportive and Ali is okay. I couldn't really ask for more. I just don't feel right. Have you ever felt that? It's not like I'm nervous I just feel off. Almost like I'm sick, but I really need to race today. The amount of pressure I suddenly feel is to a point it's unrealistic. I feel sick just from looking at my breakfast. So I slid my plate away from myself.

"Emily, what's wrong? You're practically green in the face. Now, I'm no doctor, but I'm sure green is a color associated with being sick."

"Laura, I'm fine." I calmly replied.

"Alright...are you gonna eat that?" Taylor asked reaching out for my plate.

Michaela glared at her and slapped her hand. "Are you serious right now?"

"Ow! Jesus, I'm sorry."

"Emily, you're practically sweating right now. Do I need to tell coach-"

"NO." I interrupted. "I, I'm okay. I just want to end with just as much of a bang as I started with, that's all. Sorry for shouting."

"More power to you honey, promise me you'll go back up to your room and sleep, okay champ?" Laura smiled helpfully.

"Yeah, we're a team, if one of us isn't up to par, it kinda collapses all of us as a unit." Taylor managed to say with a mouth full of scrambled eggs.

"Will you shut up? Ugh. Didn't your mom teach you not to talk to people with your mouth full? It's driving me nuts." Laura complained.

"She's been like this forever Laur, just accept it." Michaela mumbled.

"Well, damn! Has nobody told me anything?"

I went up to my room and crashed onto my bed, no desire to lift my head up and call Spencer or anyone else, just lay here. Spencer is on a tour of Rio anyway, there would be no sense in calling.

Come on Fields, channel your inner Beyoncé.

Right when I'm about to channel some fabulousness into myself, riding the water like a 'surfboart' there's ground shaking banging at my door. Of course at a time like this The Incredible Pest decides to pay me a visit.

I open the door and this woman is set to kill and I'm not ready to deal with her right now.

"Hello, Helga." I say tiredly.

She brought an army of Germans and they held me tightly while Helga proceeds to beat the hell out of me.

"HEY!" I see a quick flash of blue as Taylor tackles this gargantuan beast to the floor, Laura punched one of them in the eye and Michaela is in a screaming match with the other captain of the team. I'm on the floor coughing up a storm and there's blood on my sweats.

This is gonna be a long day...

Aria's POV

"Do we have to go back to Ali's house?" I hear Hanna complain from her room.

"Yes, it's Emily's last race! Aren't you excited about that?" I say as I walk back into Hanna's bedroom, she's not even halfway dressed..or even out of the bed for that matter.

"I don't wanna be yelled at." She whined. "Can't we just watch it here?"

I drag her out of bed by the feet and toss clothes at her. "No. Now get dressed, let's get moving!"

Her expression was priceless, I should have taken a picture of it. "Really?"

"Han, let's go!"


"Hey you guys, I missed you!" Ali greeted from the couch.

"How's baby DiLaurentis holding up?" I ask.

"Good, very good." There was a hint of a lie in her tone but I'm gonna let it slide.

"Hi Ali, please don't yell at me." Hanna began.

"Hanna! What did you-OOOOOOOW." She wailed.

Alison's POV

It's only been twenty four hours since my ultrasound but I'm in even more pain than I care to admit

"OW! OW! OW." I scream.

"Oh my gosh, what's going on?" Hanna panicked.

"We're getting you to the hospital right now kiddo." She tried to pull me off the couch.

"No! Just turn on the TV so I can watch Emily finish her final race please. Then I'll go wherever you want. Please." I beg.

"What's going on here?" Aria asked, concern evident in her tone.

"Nothing. Just a little bit of pregnancy pains." I tried to explain.

"It's been going on for a while, actually, she just refuses to complain too much." CeCe explained.

Way to rat me out

"I'd non-stop complain!" Hanna exclaimed. "If Aria was out of the country, and I was in pain I would think I'm allowed to complain!"

"Okay Han, shush. Its almost ready to start." I scolded.

Emily's POV

If I could feel any worse than I did this morning I can feel it now. I cant just wave the white flag. The whole crowd is practically cheering my name right now and that's incredible. It might be something I'll never get over. Anyway I cleared my head of all thoughts as I approach the starting line.

as soon as that horn went off, I was swimming even better than before, I must have been doing good because the screams of the crowd were even louder after each stroke I took. I touched the end and my team members were yanking me out of the pool and I thought the whole world had frozen, and my vision went black.

CeCe's POV

Emily got out of the water and fainted, she hit her head on the tile and was now bleeding all over the tile surface of the pool. Medics were surrounding her, rolling her into a gurney and taking her away. I don't think it can be worse but, as if it happened in slow motion, out of the corner of my eye I see Alison collapsing to the floor in shock.

I rushed over to her, she looked so sickly and pale, all she was doing was slightly trembling.

"Alison? If you can hear me, please say something. Ali?" I pleaded. "ARIA! CALL AN AMBULANCE! PLEASE!" I shouted. "Oh, Ali...please say something."

"Well, this cant be good." Hanna said grimly.

I glared at her. "NO SHIT! Ali...ALI!"

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