What's Wrong With Me?

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Taylor's POV

I'm pacing outside Emily's door, debating on whether I should just let myself in or bang on the door until she answers it herself. You know, there's a line not to be crossed when it's time for breakfast that I don't have to make for myself. Jesus, I'll just let myself in.

I take out my credit card and put it in the door and successfully open it. I walk inside the room smells like Burberry perfume and strawberries. Emily is still fast asleep but her bathroom light is on. Weirdo.

"Emily, come on I'm starving." I complain while gently shaking her.


"Yeah, you know I still go by west coast time, and right now I need to eat."

"Mm...five more minutes Ali."


"Someone's a little grumpy todayyy" she cooed sleepily.

"Oh I'll show you grumpy!" I opened one of her eyes. "It's Taylor and I'll be LIVID if I don't eat in the next two minutes"

Just then a brunette came out of the bathroom in a towel, her eyes widened at the sight of me as I screamed.

"EMILY WHO IS THIS?" I screeched.

"Taylor please..."


"Taylor, this is one of my best friends, Spencer." She groaned. "Nothing happened, we're just friends, we Skyped Ali last night and I asked her to stay here."

I looked over to the frozen girl. "My bad, hi Spencer, it's uh nice to meet you, I'm Taylor, I'm Emily's teammate."

Her facial expression was still frozen and clutching the towel to her body. "Yeah, I'm Spencer."

"Let me get out of here...sorry for making a scene, I just-"

"Wanted breakfast, that's alright. I'll be ready in ten. Sorry about the confusion, Taylor."

Leave it to me to make things awkward.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting, outside. Sorry. Again."

I rushed out of the room letting the door shut behind me.

Emily's POV

"Well...that was something else, Em." Spencer bit her lip.

I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes "Yeah sorry...about Taylor, she's on this diet for the games and-"

"Em, I understand, she reminds me of Han, in a really odd way. Like the way she just kind of bursted into your room..." She trailed off.

"Hahah I never actually noticed that." I laughed.

"Does she quote Mean Girls too?" Spencer smirked.

"Yeah, I guess she does remind me of Hanna." I smiled.

"I wonder if CeCe is still on Ali Duty, how long have they left her with CeCe?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm not worried Spence, it sounds like everything is okay with Ali and the baby. She has an appointment for ultrasound today. She wanted me to be there, so she could FaceTime me but I can't. I have another race today." I frowned.

She put her hand on my leg, comforting me. "Fifteen more days and she'll be desperate to move and hug you."

"It's so cute that she's waddling, it's like she's a penguin." I giggled.

"Why describe your future wife as a penguin?" She grinned.

"Well, penguins are cute and they can swim, and they're really smart and-"

EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now