The Funeral

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Alison's POV

Before Courtney was swarmed by police officers, when we were in the Green House, she wanted to make sure I died with every dirty secret she ever had. She confessed to every murder that happened in this town, including taking part in mine, she told me Cece was innocent and then killed herself. Luckily I caught all of that on tape. Cece is free to go tomorrow. The problem I have to deal with now is the loss of my mother. Hopefully this is it. I wouldn't be able to handle anything like this ever again.

I wasn't expecting this to be the reason that I finally show my face in Rosewood. This is actually the worst timing to come back. My mother never got to see me again. Now here I am at the funeral in between Jason and my father Kenneth, the girls not too far away. It's a huge blow to the heart, to lose your mother, whether you had a good relationship or a not-so-good one like mine it still hurts. She was still my mother. I chose to give a speech at the ceremony, so it's already too late to run out of the church. It's already my turn to speak.

I took a deep breath and stepped up to the podium causing a lot of people to start whispering as I, the girl that was supposed to be dead, stood before them.

"First, welcome, I didn't expect this many people here to comfort my family at this time. We greatly appreciate it. I wanted to say a few words about my mother, Jessica DiLaurentis." I looked down at what I had written, then looked up as my eyes searched the sea of faces for Emily.

She gave me a small smile, "You're doing great." She mouthed.

"My mother was...different. She was an active member in this community and possibly the strongest woman I've ever met. It's unfortunate that we never got a chance to repair our relationship with each other. I'll never get say I'm sorry for all the horrible things I've said or done, and I won't get to tell her that I love her. Things can be taken away just as easily as they were given. I know the I'm not an example of respect and kindness, but keep it in mind that what you have today, may not be there tomorrow. I'll never forget her. Wherever she is...I love you mom."

I looked at everyone in the church, some had bowed their heads in sympathy and others had tears streaming down their faces.

"Thank you." I said as I stepped down from the podium.


When the service ended, my father gave me permission to be with Emily and my friends, for emotional support. I linked arms with them I took my usual place, in between Hanna and Emily, just like old times. As soon as we walked out we were attacked by a swarm of reporters and photographers.

"Alison where were you this whole time?"

"Alison, do you think it was selfish to run from your problems."

Spencer broke away from Hanna and snatched the camera out of one of the photographers hands. "This is a funeral, leave my sister alone, and get lost. Now." She hissed chucking the camera back at the man.

I was shocked by Spencer's actions as she hustled to get me into the limo along with the rest of us.

"Spencer...thank you."

"Well, you sort of are my sister, those people are vultures. I won't allow them to attack you. That's unacceptable." She reasoned.

"Yeah, it's disgusting that people have the nerve to harass you at a funeral." Emily added as she squeezed my hand.

"Can you guys stay over? I don't want to be alone right now."

All four girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"She's still your mother, even after the horrible stuff that went on, Ali. We'll always be here." Hanna said offering a small smile.

Even more reporters were at my house as soon as we arrived. This is a complete nightmare. Emily looked infuriated. She practically lunged herself out of the limo first.

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