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Emily's POV

Hanna pulled the trigger. We all stood in total shock and disbelief. We finally stopped -A. Hanna unloaded the gun letting the rest of the shells fall to the ground.

"Hanna...that was amazing" Spencer started.

"Hey, don't mention it. I'm surprised I did it too." Hanna replied.

"Where did you learn how to handle a gun?" Spencer asked.

"I..didn't. Can we please just find out who tried to kill us?" Hanna said as she wiped her prints off the gun.

Ali held onto me and started to cry into my shoulder and I hugged her tightly.

"It's okay, we're all okay. This is finally over. It's alright Ali." I assured her.

Ezra walked over and Aria ran to him leaping into his arms. "If it wasn't for you we might have been killed" she cried.

"Aria, I love you. There wasn't a chance of this person hurting you, even if you hated me...but like I said, I know who this person is" walking over to the figure still clutching their shin. Spencer walked over with him and forced this person to their feet.

"Alison, would you like to do the honor?"

Ali looked at me eyes full of fear "Em..would you come with me..please."

I nodded. "Let's go. I'm right here."

With that we walked forward, Ali took off the hood, I removed the mask. Everyone but Ezra gasped.

"Paige McCullers you are in a whole new world of trouble." he stated.
"You bitch!" Hanna lunged forward Aria holding her back. "Emily trusted you!"

"I can explain." She said quietly.

"I've had enough of you trying to justify your actions Paige"

"Okay, fine. I tried to kill Alison, but I'm not the one in charge." She admitted.

"And why should I even bother listening to you?" I shot back.

"Because, I had enough reasons to kill Ali. She bullied me to the point that I wanted to kill myself."

"Well it makes sense. I mean look at all the pig references." Spencer started.

"Hanna was forced to eat half a dozen cupcakes with pig decorations and there was a dead pig in the back of Wilden's police car." Aria said.

"Yeah, I made it pretty obvious. Ali called me Pigskin. It's shocking that it took you so long to figure out I was in on this." She scoffed.

Alison left my arms and punched Paige right in the face. "You insufferable bitch. Who do you work for?!" she nearly shouted.

"Ali, as much as we all want a shot at Paige, she might have more information in regards to the rest of the A-Team" Aria reasoned.

"Fine, spill before I seriously kick your ass. You had no right to hurt Emily like that" Hanna defended.

"I loved Emily, but she was always in love with someone else. She was in love with Alison, then Maya, then dated Samara. I was pissed. So I joined the A-Team, I killed Maya St. Germain, I forced Emily to give Samara's friend her number. As soon as we broke up I knew Alison was the reason. So that's why I'm here"

"Wait Em, are you still in love with Ali?" Aria asked.

All eyes were on me, it's now or never, I took a deep breath.

"Who said I stopped being in love with Ali?" as I blushed profusely.

Everyone looked at Alison.

"Ali...?" Spencer started.

"The first -A threat was a picture of Em and I kissing in the library. Whoever -A was at that time made me treat her horribly in return to keep her secret safe...it was the first time I cared about someone other than myself."

"Awwwww Ali!" Hanna gushed.

"But who are you working for? Who are the other scumbags that you work for?" Spencer demanded.

"Well, there was Mona, Lucas, Toby, even you at some point Spencer."

"Shut up Paige! Spencer was a double agent. She's innocent. Who else?" Hanna persisted

"Cece Drake worked for Big -A, she knows more than I do." she said quietly. "She quit, she didn't want to cooperate anymore. "

"Ali..do you think we can get to Cece?" I asked.
"I don't know Cece is gonna go with it since our incident in the sawmill" Aria admitted.

"Yeah I was there, I shut off the machine. Spencer almost found me. But I couldn't let her saw my Emily in half" Ali said.

"Awwwww! Stop, I'm gonna cry!" Hanna said while pretending to wipe away tears.

"Han, seriously with the fluff? Not right now. We need to expose all of these bitches," shooting a death glare at Paige. "Cece is no longer a friend of mine since she tried to kill you Em, I don't care what 'Big -A' had against her, but she knew better not to touch you."

I blushed even more.

"I have an idea to where she might be" Ali said while taking my hand.

"What are we gonna do about Paige? I mean Hanna shot her in the shin, should we get her to a doctor?" I suggested.

"Ezra, do you have cell service? Noel has our cell phones." Aria asked.

"Yeah, I'll take care of it."

Ali stormed over to Paige. "You're very lucky Emily has mercy even though you're a swine." She sneered. "Let's go. We don't have a lot of time to waste"

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