Big -A

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Alison's POV

"I still can't believe you've been in love with Em this whole time" Hanna said.

"Yeah, I didn't even know you were into girls Ali." Aria agreed.

"I told you, I made a deal with the devil to keep Emily's sexuality a secret. Nobody deserves to be outed by some anonymous bitch."

"So...after this are you thinking about coming back to school?" Spencer asked

"What am I supposed to say? Hi I'm Alison DiLaurentis, yeah, it turns out I didn't die, surprise! I'm sure people would be soooo happy to see me" I mocked.

"Ali, we'll cross that bridge when we get there." Em assured.

"I'm with Em on this one. Ali had to pretend she was dead for two years, she has a lot more to worry about than school." Aria agreed.

"Plus you don't have to go to school if you don't want to." Hanna added.

"I'm already off on a wrong start. Spence, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mock you like that." I apologized.

"Oh? It's okay. I was just trying to think ahead. You deserve a future too." Spencer admitted.

"Thanks Spencer, I really appreciate that. Okay take that right and she should be inside."
We pulled into an apartment complex. I'm more than sure Cece has been renting an apartment here. We walked up to the door and I rang the buzzer for apartment 4A.


"I need to talk to you."


"Don't make me announce your presence in public."

The door buzzed letting us in. I beckoned them to hurry up. We walked up the stairs and I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Cece demanded still behind the door.

"I saw your add on Craigslist saying you were interested in being spanked in front of young school girls." I said. Emily was holding back a laugh until Cece ripped the door open and dragged the five of us inside before quickly shutting it and locking it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" she demanded.

"I missed you too Cece" smirking at her.

"What do you want Alison? It's dangerous for you to be in plain sight" she sounded worried.

"I need information from you. Considering you almost sawed my girlfriend in half, you owe me."

"Oh?" she looked right at Emily, "Finally got Americano huh?"

"Seriously? Americano?" I scrunched up my face in disgust.

"What's wrong with Americano?" she asked..clearly trying to irritate me

"Um, the fact 'Americano' is masculine." I countered.

"Whatever. Did you do the deed yet?" winking at me.

"CECE! I'm not here to discuss my love life with you!" I nearly shouted.

"Then what are you here for?" She smirked

"I need to know who Big -A is."

The smirk vanished and the color drained from her face. She swallowed. "Why?"

"Because I have a reason to go back home, Cece."

"Awwwwwww..ouch Spence!" Hanna complained."Was elbowing me really necessary?"

"What is going on between you and Spencer...? I'll address that later, anyway, I really need to know."

"Is knowing who this crazy bitch is really going to change everything for you Alison?" Cece asked.

"It could Cece! I told them everything I knew about that night I had to disappear and not even an hour ago Paige McCullers tried to kill me...again. I need to know more and that swine told me to look for you. Is this about me getting you kicked out of UPenn? You know I didn't mean for you to get kicked out of school."

"What? I didn't get kicked out of college." She said.

" never got kicked out?" I asked

"No, of course not." she pointed at the wall, where her degree was hanging.

"Wait, if I didn't get you kicked out of UPenn...who did? Have you seen him or her? You have to know something. Please, Cece."

"I don't want you looking for this monster." she looked up at me and at my friends too "none of you should go looking for this person." adding a serious tone to her voice.

"What do you want us to do then? We can't just allow this to continue. The police can't help. We're not gonna be torn apart by..whoever this person is. Cece you're like the sister I never had. I need help, you were there for me when I couldn't tell my friends what was bothering me." I added.

"Okay, all of you, gather around. Its time I told you about someone." She took a deep breath and sat in her huge armchair.

I watched as Emily sat on the love seat next to me and Hanna, Spencer and Aria sat on the couch.

"I have a secret too...I have a twin."

"Sweet when do we get to meet her?" Hanna asked excitedly.

Spencer and Aria shot her death glares.

"Jeez, excuse me for being polite!" Hanna said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Her name is Courtney..she was the one who got kicked out of UPenn. She wasn't even at that party. She had a complete breakdown and was sent off to a mental institution." She continued.

"That's really sad." Emily said quietly.

"She escaped Radley the Halloween before Ali's disappearance. When she was attacked for the first time." She looked over at me with watery eyes.

"Cece...what are you saying?" I asked.

She took a deep breath "Big -A is my sister."

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