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Alison's POV

That stupid bitch -A trashed my place in Ravenswood. UGH! I'm gonna have to stay inside for at least two days. I picked up as much stuff as I could and thankfully Shana already found a place for me to stay in case this freakin happened. It's an abandoned house in like the middle of nowhere.

This sucks! It's a pain in the ass to move around all the time. I hate it. At least I don't have to pay bills or anything. I just wish I could stay with Emily.

OH MY GOD EMILY! Damn it! As bad as I want to see her I really needed to lay low for a few days...she did want me to stay safe. I feel terrible...I at least owe her the common courtesy of letting her know I'm not able to see her tonight.

I let out a sad sigh and pulled out my phone.

Hey killer

Hi!😄 Should I be expecting you later?

No.. 😔

Are you okay?😕

Yeah..I have to lay low for a few days..raincheck?❤️

Okay... 😞

Next weekend I promise 😔

Did something happen? Are you safe?😨

Yeah, but don't worry. I'll be okay ❤️

Are you sure? 😰

Of course, I love you😘

I love you too, stay safe😘😘

I will❤️

I feel terrible canceling on Emily but she wants me to stay safe. As annoying I find moving around and avoiding someone trying to kill me. At least my place is in Rosewood. I'm not too far away from my Emily. I would walk to the end of the world for her if she needed my help.

"Next time you're not gonna be so lucky bitch.

I absolutely hate this bitch. It needs to end. I'm not gonna let this bitch kill me. I just want my life back and to spend time with Em like normal couples do. I sat on my bed letting a few tears roll down my eyes. One day this nightmare will be over, I'm sure of it. Now I'm forced to deal with the pain of waiting a whole week before I can see Em again.

Suddenly I had an idea. I could surprise Em, in case she was angry at me for canceling. I smirked to myself...she has no idea what's coming...

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