Is This A Bad Time?

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Alison's POV

Do you remember that short story by Edgar Allen Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart? Well, it kinda feels like there's a heartbeat sound in my mind, something only I can hear. What I have to say to Emily is best said in person, I think. I've come into quite a bit of my inheritance money from my grandmother..and I did something with it. Something I maybe should have consulted Emily or one of our friends with, but what's done is done.

I took a deep breath and pulled out my phone I've been looking absently at for the last twenty minutes. I closed my eyes. I've been avoiding this topic for months now, I'll tell her during our summer vacation.


7 Months Earlier

I was walking around town, and I ended up at a...doctors office? I'm on auto-pilot today but something told me I was supposed to be here.

I took out my phone and composed a text to Emily.

Hello, my love 😘

Hey, what's up? 😚

Can I ask you something?


When do you want to have babies?


Because...I want to carry them.

No response

Is this a bad time to ask you that question? I typed anxiously.

NO! I mean, I'm shocked, don't you want me to hold them?

I want to hold our first one.

Awww, well, in that case, I'd like to be engaged or even married to you before anything happens.

Oh, thanks.

Why did you want to know?

General curiosity, why?

You're so cute. I have...umm practice now. Skype or FaceTime me later? 😊

Of course, I love you.😍

I love you too! ☺️😍

I sighed and went inside.

There weren't many people that would look like they'd recognize me here, I nervously walked up to the front desk.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?"

"I wanted to see someone about...artificial insemination." I said quietly.

She handed me a stack of papers. "Here, fill these out and the doctor will come right back to see you."


Present Day

"Miss DiLaurentis." Doctor O'Sullivan began, "are you ready to see your baby?"

I ran my hand lovingly over my protruding bump. "Yes, please."

"Your girlfriend still didn't come?" She asked while squeezing the jelly onto my tummy.

"She's up to something." I shook my head. "I don't know what it could be, but it's fine."

"The Olympics are coming up soon." She took out this wand thing, I don't know what it is, but it would help see our baby and started tracing over my belly, finding a spot to show me.

"Yeah, my girlfriend is probably excited to watch the swimming competition." I answered.

"That's nice, do you both like to watch the swimming trials?"

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