Missed Connections

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Emily's POV

I was woken up by the beams of sunlight streaming through my window. I'm usually a morning person, but I was still upset about last night. Just the thought of Spencer right now is pissing me off. I got out of bed and walked to get my phone I threw on the other side of my bedroom last night to check the time, only to find that it wasn't there.

I furrowed my brow in confusion when I spotted my phone on my desk.

Okay, I know I didn't leave it there. I thought to myself.

Whatever, I'm going to be late for work. I pulled up to the Brew and my day seemed to go slower and slower. I have the night shift, which is so incredibly pointless. Who shows up to get coffee at 11:00 at night?

The last person to come in was at 7:30 and it was a decaf vanilla latte.

"Vanilla, so sweet, yet so many bitter memories. Right Em?

I slammed my phone back into my pocket. My heart hurts. Alison is running from the psychopath that's still trying to kill her, and I can't do a single thing about it. If only she knew how much she still means to me. I didn't care that she took stuff out on me the worst, I remember seeing the pain in her eyes after she told me I was "just practice".

Nobody has ever re-created the feeling I had when I was with Alison. Time stopped when we kissed. My heart skipped a beat any time she wanted to spend time with me alone. She always smelled like vanilla, a smell that's still intoxicating, and it makes me think of her even more than I already do.
If she asked me if I would be with her, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes, except for the fact I'm with Paige. I don't even think I like Paige anymore. It's not worth my time, I'm gonna have to call it quits when she comes back from Maine.

I put my face in my hands as my phone beeped again.

It was a blocked number.

"Be here in ten minutes. It's important. Please come alone this time. I need to talk to you."

I furrowed my brow anxiously typing back:"...Ali?"

"This isn't safe to do over text, my house, hurry. I'm alone."

My heart leaped. I quickly closed down the Brew jumped into my car and sped my way to Alison's house.

Upon arrival I opened the front door with the spare key I still had.

I ran up the stairs, opened Ali's bedroom door.

"Ali?" I asked as I turned on the light.

A figure in a charcoal colored jacket turned around.

"Hey Em"

"Alison..." I smiled.

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