Life Moves Pretty Fast

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Alison's POV

Ferris Bueller was definitely not kidding when he said life moves pretty fast. Only a few years ago I was running for my life, now we're all accepted to college. I have a free ride to UPenn's financial program because I knew how to manage my money. Dead people can't spend money. They probably wanted credit for having me at their school, but whatever. I don't have to pay for anything, no books, free tuition, free food. This is gonna kick ass! Hanna got accepted to her number one choice school for fashion, Spencer got accepted to Harvard, Aria decided on attending Hollis for their literature and fine arts program, and Emily...I remember the day as if it were yesterday.


"ALI!" Emily screamed as she bounded down the hallway and scooped me up into her arms.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this, but what's all the excitement about?" I grinned

"Danby came back! I'm on a full swimming scholarship! I got a free ride!" She shouted in excitement.

"Baby that's great!" I shouted peppering kisses all over her face.

"I can't believe I made it in!" She squealed putting me down.

"Oh I can, you're the best swimmer that ever touched the water!" I smirked.

"That's not true." She blushed.

"Yes it is, I've seen you break records at this school!"

"Okay. Maybe I'm better than average." She smiled.

"I can see it now: Emily Fields the Olympian!" I joked.

"You think I have a chance?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Actually...yes I really do. But only time will tell, we'll both have to work hard." I furrowed my brows.

"Is Alison DiLaurentis afraid to put the work in?" She smirked.

"NO! Just, I'd rather not haha." I stole a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey!" She pouted.

I leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

"We'll celebrate later, okay?" I winked.

She flushed a bright red. "Y-yeah, of course. I love you!" She shouted running to swim practice.

"I love you too, Em!" I shouted back.


Next week is graduation and I can't believe the degree of happiness I feel. I never believed I'd end up safe, or be with the love of my life, or even with a freakin' high school diploma! But, I guess some things can change.

"Umm, can you two please stop eye sexing each other from across the table please?" Hanna complained.

Emily turned a bright shade of pink. "I'm sorry Han."

"No, it's my fault, I started it." I admitted.

"You guys are so cute!" Aria exclaimed.

"Guys, I have great news!" Spencer grinned as she sat at our table.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm valedictorian!" She squealed with happiness.

"Congrats, Spence!" I smiled.

"Can you believe we're graduating in a week?" Emily sighed.

"I thought you'd be happy Em, what's wrong?" Hanna asked.

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