No Fear, Hanna's Here

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Hanna's POV

June 4th, 2013. That's about as far as I've gotten on this paper I'm supposed to write for English. Who cares about American literature? It's so dumb to have a research paper assigned when summer is almost here. I mean it was assigned a month ago, but still, I don't feel like writing it.

I took out my phone and composed a text to Spencer.

Hey Hastings, wanna write my paper for me? 😉

Hanna, are you serious?😠

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am, Spencey. 😜

Spencey? No.🙅



Why not? 😢

Because you need to learn how to do things like this yourself, I won't be there to write your papers when we get to college.

You're no fun Spence, for old times sake just at least help me?

Hanna write the paper yourself.

Ugh. Whatever. Thanks a lot Spencer.

Ugh, sometimes Spencer is the biggest pain in my ass. She always corrects me and picks apart everything I have to say, but she loves me. Clearly not enough to write my paper for me though. Does anyone really care about how J.D Salinger impacted American literature? My phone buzzed. Ha I knew she'd give in. Oh it's from Emily, glad those two have time to breathe and talk to me.

Hi Han ☺️

Hey Em 😉

What are you doing?💁

Research paper, have you finished yours yet?💁

Yeah. I need a favor.🙊

I can practically sense Emily's anxiety on the other line. Are you in trouble?😳

Well, no. But I need your help picking out something for Ali; it's her birthday in two days.🙈

Awww Em, I'll be right over, this paper can suck it.💁


"So what did you have in mind?" I asked

"Um. A ring." She said quietly.

"EMILY!" I was shocked.

"What? Is a promise ring too much?" She looked nervous.

"I'm not even going to explain what I thought you meant. But a promise ring is a good idea." I smiled.

"She left one of her rings at my house; I don't know what size it is but maybe you or the people at the store could help." She said handing me the ring.

"Well, she has some dainty hands. Does she wear this ring often?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's really upset that she can't find it, so I have to give it back really soon." She admitted.

"Okay, she looks to be a size six and a half, you should run this over to her. When you come back we're going shopping."

"I put it in an envelope and now it's in her mailbox. I'm texting her now to check her mail."

"You guys are the cutest." I grinned.

She blushed. "We're just like everyone else Han."

"Yeah, it's not often a power couple gets crowned Prom Queens." I said sarcastically.

"Was that you who did that?" She asked.

"I may have gone secretly campaigning for you two to win." I shrugged. "Told a ton of people to vote for Prom Queens Emily Fields and Alison DiLaurentis on their slips. Guess they listened huh." I smirked.

"You are seriously the best friend in the whole world." She hugged me.

"Alright Fields, you're hurting me. Let's go."


"Hello ladies, my name is Camille, may I help you?"

"Actually, yes, I'm looking for a promise ring. For a girl." She told the jeweler nervously.

"You're Emily Fields right? The same one who Alison DiLaurentis announced her love for?"

"Yes." She blushed.

"Well, what size hun?"

"Six and a half." I answered. "I'm just her friend, Alison is hard to shop for." I grinned.

"Okay, keep it a secret, but I have one that would be perfect." She said taking out her keys and opening a drawer on the other side. She pulled out something I believed really was perfect. "We don't sell this to customers, but your relationship is worth this ring. It's set in sterling silver with princess cut white sapphire, it's perfect and won't give Alison a panic attack when she sees it." She smiled.

"You know Alison?" She inquired.

"She came here a couple months ago. She used to frequent my little shop all the time. She was going to buy something for you, but changed her mind, she said she didn't want to scare you."

"Do you think I'll scare her by buying this?" Her expression was full of fear.

"You don't have to buy it when it's already yours." She whispered.

"Are you sure? I'll make payments and-"

"The look on her face will be enough for me to let this ring go, free of charge." She smiled.

"Thank you so much, Camille." Emily grinned.


"Well done Em. She's gonna love it!" I exclaimed.

"You really think so?" she checked her phone. "Ali is really happy that I found her ring and she says she'll see me tomorrow." She smiled.

"The ring you put in her mailbox, right?" I asked.

"Yes, of course." She laughed.

"Glad I amuse you Em, but now I need a favor from you." I said seriously.

"Oh okay, what is it?" She smiled.

"Remember that English paper I had a month to write?" I started.

"Hanna!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah...I need help finishing it." I admitted.

"Well, how far did you get?" She asked.

"I wrote my name on it."

"Han, you didn't think to ask me for help earlier?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You spend so much time with Ali, I would have thought I needed to make an appointment to see you." I looked down.

"Hey, you're friends with the both of us. You never need to ask for help. We usually just sit around doing nothing because it seems like none of you guys seem to want to hang out with us." She said honestly.

"Would you believe me if we thought the exact same thing?" I asked.

"Well, it's not like that. Now let's get inside and do that paper, I'm your friend, not a celebrity or the president, both of us like spending time with you guys. It just didn't occur to us that you wanted to hang out, since none of you really ever ask." She said simply.

"Thanks Em."

"Don't worry about it." She smiled.

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