Off To Florida

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Alison's POV

Well, I still didn't wanna get up this morning but I'm in a way better mood than I was yesterday. Granted, Emily had to drag my ass out of bed again, but she made me breakfast, so that was nice to not have to eat anything at the airport. Shortly, just like Em said Spencer honks, letting us know she's outside. Emily insists that I get in the car and she gets all our stuff and packs it in the back of Spencer's SUV.

"Em, is she in a better mood? Don't lie because you forgot to shut your curtains again, so you have to tell me." Spencer wiggled her eyebrows causing Em to blush.

"Wow Spence, you're worse than Hanna. You haven't seen anything yet." I winked.

"There's been better that I missed?" She smirked.

"Guys can we not."

"Sorry Em." I kissed her, leaving a lipstick imprint on her lips. "Oops, let me get that." I wiped the traces off before she sat next to me. I sat in the middle while Em sat on the right.

"Oh don't worry about Spencer! Just leave her up front by herself." She stated sarcastically.

"Didn't realize you wanted one of us to sit where your babe usually sits, Spence." I smirked

"Spencer, you're blushing, is there anything wrong?" Emily asked trying to suppress a grin.

"There's nothing going on there, trust me." Spencer laughed.

"Hmmm okay Spencer. Go help your little elf with her things." I teased.

"Shut up." Spencer flushed as she got out to help Aria with her things.

"Thank you Spence" Aria squealed.

"There should be a rule that your luggage isn't allowed to weigh more than you, Aria." Spencer complained.

"I didn't pack that much! Am I sitting where I usually sit?" Aria raised an eyebrow.

"It wouldn't be right if you didn't Aria" I laughed.

"You're in a better mood Ali" Her eyes twinkled when she said that.

"Oh shush, go sit next to your babe."

"Who? Spencer?"

I just smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, now to cross the street to get Hanna's things." Spencer's look of pain flashed across her face.

"Spence, I can get Hanna's things. You just relax, I know how hysterical Hanna can get you sometimes." Emily offered nicely.

"Thank you Emily." Spencer let out a sigh. "Hanna let's go!" She shouted as she honked the horn.

Emily got out of the car and I swear she's even hotter when she lifts things so effortlessly. Hanna got inside and she might have packed her entire room for our trip.

"Hanna you only needed to pack enough things for two weeks, not the rest of your life." Emily hissed.

"Well, a girl has to have choices Emily!" Hanna exclaimed. "How are you Ali? Did you see anything Spence?"

"Oh, I apparently haven't seen anything." Spencer laughed.

"Whatever." I scoffed.


After going through security, well, Hanna went through security. She was wearing so much metal she could've scored the role for R2D2 in a remake of Star Wars. Good thing Spencer planned to come to the airport early.

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