Let's Go Home

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Alison's POV

I felt as though my lungs were completely robbed of air, like the time Emily pulled me into the pool when we were little when I had my clothes on. Actually that's not even close to how surprised I am to see the most beautiful girl in the world right in front of me, even though half her stitches are dissolved from the rain, and she's a little bloody on her forehead, where I assume she fell. Nevertheless, even this minor flaw on her perfect face, makes her even more perfect to me. I never knew how two simple words could bring tears to my eyes and make me feel safe at the same time.

"I'm home." She smiled.

"Em...honey, your head." I fussed.

"Hey, don't worry, at least we're in the same hospital." She swiped her thumb across my left cheek, catching a tear I didn't even know fell from my eye. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too...babe, you're so wet." I laughed happily.

She grinned. "Well, water tends to be wet, Ali."

I giggled. "You should really get your head sewn back together."

"Yeah, well, can I see my baby first, before they re-stitch me?" Rubbing the bump indicating that she was talking about Shay.

I looked at Shelly and she nodded.

"Nice to see you Emily, you were amazing." Dr. O'Day smiled and extended her hand.

"Thank you Doctor D, it was a privilege to swim with your daughter on another level." She took her hand and shook it gratefully.

"You broke a world record, did you know that?" Shelly grinned proudly.

"I wasn't aware of it at the time haha, but I know now."

"Laura speaks volumes of you, Emily." She said starting up the monitor as I cringe as the blue jelly I hate gets squeezed onto my bump.

"Laura is amazing, Doctor-"

She laughed lightly "Emily, you can call me Shelly!"

"Right, thank you..Shelly." She ducked her head to hide the apparent blush gracing her cheeks.

"Have you been to an ultrasound, Emily?" She asked.

"Well, no, actually, this is my first time seeing our baby live...and not in a picture." She said quietly. "I've been so busy with swimming and I-"

I shook my head quickly. "No. It's not Emily's fault that she hasn't seen the baby." I admitted.


"NO. Em, it wasn't your fault. It's my fault, Shelly...I made the an decision on my own to have a baby, and I didn't even ask Emily if she was okay with it."

She was appalled "Oh..."

"Yeah." I started to cry "I'm so-"

"No, Shelly, I wanted a baby too, maybe I didn't think she meant right away, but I- I truthfully love Alison and our baby. I did..give consent." She looked into my eyes begging me to stop.

"You did?" She furrowed her brows.

"Yes, I think I remember the day she asked me." She pulled out her phone and scrolled through endless amount of texts between us before she got to the one she wanted. "Yes, I did say I'd love to have a child, I didn't specify when, but that doesn't matter." She smiled and held my hand.


"I don't think I was sure that I was ready, but now, I'm ready." Her eyes began to sparkle as she spoke. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

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