The Final Take Down

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Emily's POV

It's possibly the most frustrating thing in the world when the girl you're hopelessly in love with is public enemy number one to a psychopath. I really hope this isn't gonna blow up in our face like the last time and she still managed slip away. Actually, this cannot fail, Courtney is dangerous and she could possibly be armed. That makes me sick to my stomach, how anyone could be deranged enough to ruin the lives of five teenage girls so terribly to the point Ali having to pretend she's dead. Hopefully after tonight it will be over. It's the big day. Spencer is very confident, more than one hundred percent sure that this is gonna work. I wouldn't let her otherwise. I don't care how much Ali is gonna risk to save us, I want her as safe as possible. I can't go through her death again, not for real this time. But we can only hope that this goes according to plan. We considered every possibility and she's in there right now, with the flash drive of all the N.A.T. Club videos and we put a wire on her. The videos Courtney so desperately wanted, hopefully she'll come get them in person.

I let my mind wander while we waited.

The first day I met Alison was one I'll always remember. She was so bold and I was so shy I could barely look at her.

She was always so outgoing and fearless. I've always I admired that about her. I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes for a second remembering how Ali and I became the best of friends before she told everyone else that they were also her best friends. Looking back I realized how special that made me feel...


"Emily hurry up!" Alison demanded "Goodness, I've met snails that were slower than you!"

"Sorry." I replied softly.

Alison began climbing into the treehouse she had in her yard.

"Are you coming, Em?" She asks with a sudden tone of softness.

"Are the others coming too?" I asked

"No, I'd rather have you to myself today if that's cool with you" she said with a wink.

It sent shivers down my spine, it felt weird. My heart started racing too.

"Of course it's okay, I was just wondering." I smiled

"Wondering what Em?" Locking her eyes with mine

I felt my face heat up, it never did that before around her...

"Um if the others were gonna come, that's all." I said hiding my obvious blush.

"Do you want them to come?" She asked with her back to me.

"Only if you wanted them to come. Is there any reason why it's just us today?" I managed to ask.

She turned around to look at me with a look I've never seen before shining in her eyes.

"You're my favorite you know." smirking as she walked towards me.

"Really?" I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course! It's really cute how you stand up for me when people don't have nice things to say about me. I might start calling you Killer, would that bother you?"

I beamed "It would never bother me."

She walked towards me and brushed her lips against my cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I love you." She said.

"Wait, what?" I was astounded

"As a best friend, Em." The emotion faltering a bit after her last statement.

"Oh! I love you too." Not even bothering to hide my blush this time.


I held onto Hanna for dear life as I see a slim hooded figure slink inside the greenhouse.

I hear raised voices after a certain amount of time. It felt like forever because my Ali was in there, but it probably wasn't that long. Before I knew what was going on, Ali started screaming as she ran out of the greenhouse, one shot was fired causing me to stand up terrified that Ali may be dead very soon. Courtney was not far behind her firing another shot any time she thought she had a good aim. But missed every time. Courtney, unmasked and without the hood, looked exactly like Cece, except she didn't have those beauty marks on her face. On cue, Spencer called the cops and against what I was supposed to do I ran after Courtney. Hanna yelling at me to come back and Aria following close behind her. We finally caught up with them and Courtney was panting a gun raised to Ali.

"I finally have you right where I want you, bitch. This last one is for you. I'm sick and tired of running after you, and your fucking friends. This ends now. You can' from me..anymore." She sneered taking the safety off.

The cops came right at that moment surrounding Ali and Courtney. But before the cops could get closer to disarm Courtney, she pulled the trigger. Courtney collapsed to the ground blood oozing out of her head.

Ali ran into my arms, sobbing heavily, all I could do was hold her tight.

I overheard Spencer telling the cops that Ali was wearing a wire. The cop came over to us and Ali ripped the tape recorder off her chest and handed it to the cops. Continuing to sob heavily.

"My mom is gone Em!" She cried.

I held her tighter as she continued to sob into my shoulder the five of us all took a moment to finally collapse after all the emotional turmoil, the broken hearts, the death of loved ones, betrayal, rumors, all of it, we finally let it all out as we huddled together, letting go of all the pain we've had for the last three years.

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