But What Did I Do?

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Hanna's POV

"Go get your girl Han, don't worry about what I did."

I nodded and quickly left; as I was getting into my car ready to drive to Aria's house when it dawned on me. Alison DiLaurentis told me not to worry.

Now I'm worried. Ali hasn't done that many favors for me. In fact, the only time she would do a favor for someone is if she knew they would be useful to her later; to do her bidding. Whether it was to do mean things to other people or do something absolutely humiliating for her own amusement.

Stop it Hanna! I internally scolded myself.

Ali has grown up a lot since she disappeared, but sometimes it really doesn't shake the memories or feelings that I still have from the past. Before she disappeared I felt like her last choice. She made fun of me all the time for being fat. She did horrible things to me, like telling me that I could eat all I want but I could throw it up later. Bulimia is a serious thing, I haven't really brought it up again for the sake of making her feel bad when she's pregnant, but what she did and what she would say really hurt me. It felt like her source of energy was making me feel like crap at any opportunity she could find.

Everyone knew she liked Emily the best, but nobody really said anything about that either. Alison ruled with an iron fist when we were younger, like anything we would say could and would be held against us. I'll never understand why she was so power-hungry and cruel to us, but maybe it's better to let some things go.

Maybe I'm looking too hard to find a way that her "favor" could blow up in my face. Even though it's hard to let go of what Ali put me through, if I keep holding onto the turmoil she caused, I'd be no better than Mona.

So I'm finally at Aria's house, I'm really nervous and I don't even know what I did. It's making me anxious.

I took a deep breath and shut my car off, slowly getting out of it and taking an eternity to eternity to get to Aria's front door.

My trembling hands knock fairly confidently to my surprise and I wait nervously outside. I can hear footsteps inside and the most beautiful face I've ever seen opens the door.

I feel almost sick to my stomach at her facial expression, she says absolutely nothing, but lets me inside. I take a seat in the arm chair in the living room.

"Aria.." I begin.

"I got your gifts," she said gesturing to the roses on the kitchen table, along with a big box of chocolates and an enormous teddy bear in the corner. "Han..I didn't mean to get that upset. I'm sorry I overreacted."

I shook my head. "No, no, Aria..what I said was really insensitive and I meant it as a joke, but I should never have joked abut that."

Aria walks over and sits on the armrest of the chair and she sighs.

"I'm really sorry Aria. I love you and I want to be in this for the long run. It felt like everything broke inside me when your family moved to Iceland. It hurt me twice as much because you stood up for me in front of Ali when she was being crazy-"

"Han...it's okay. I forgive you." She smiled. "I love you too."

"So...is this the part where I get make-up sex?" I smirked.

"I want it rough." She stated.

I got up and grabbed Aria by the forearm, and took her to the bedroom. I locked the door and shoved Aria up against it, kissing her hard. I ripped her shirt off and tossed it across the room. I broke the kiss to throw her on the bed.

"I've never seen you like this." She gasped, her chest rising and falling dramatically.

"Shut up." I pulled my shirt off and tore off Aria's leggings, leaving her in her bra and panties. I quickly pulled off my skinny jeans and threw them in the heap of clothing beginning to pile up on the floor.

"Oh Jesus." She whimpered under me.

I quickly stripped the both of us of any remaining clothing, tossed it onto the floor and pinned her arms above her head sinking my teeth into her neck.

Aria cried out, and I put two of my fingers in her mouth, and she sucked on them making sure they were wet.

By now she's shaking beneath me, I'm not giving in yet, I take my fingers and trace all her curves and touch everywhere but the one place that she wants me to touch.

"I wanna hear you beg."

"A-a-are you serious?" She whined.

"Oh, I can stop if you want, babe." I smirked as I moved closer and closer to the place she wants me to be.

"N-NOOO! HANNA, PLEASE." She screamed.

"That's right, scream for me." I said as I plunged my fingers deep inside her thrusting roughly.

"Han, oh my gosh." She exhaled shakily.

I thrust harder and faster earning those sexy, desperate, squeals and moans.

"Han, I'm so close and don't you dare stop." She states through clenched teeth.

I look in her green eyes that are so dark right now and heatedly kisses her lips, and slide one more finger inside her and curl them, hitting her G-Spot rapidly.

Aria drags her fingernails down my back and screams in my mouth as she comes undone beneath me, her body eventually going limp.

"How was that?" I smirked.

"I can't feel my legs, Han." She panted.

"Mmm good." I kiss her lips softly and lovingly this time.

"I'm so tired now." She whispers.

"That's fine, let's just sleep, okay?"



"I love you."

"I love you too."

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