She's Beautiful

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Hello my loves, I was researching like a boss for this chapter so hopefully it's accurate! LOL If you dont follow me on Twitter, I have a new Emison fanfic coming out on February 1st, it's gonna be 100% different, unique and original in as many ways as I thought possible. I'm gonna piss some people off with the storyline, but the idea came to me one night. I really hope you guys stick with me even though it's something out of the ordinary for me. (It's titled: Pyramids) Okay let's get moving with that horrific cliffhanger I left my poor readers to deal with for almost a month.


Emily's POV

I leaned in, lifted up her veil and captured Ali's lips into a passionate kiss, our wedding guests clapped and cheered.

Alison suddenly stopped.

Her skin was white as a ghost. "Em."

"Ali, what's wrong?"

"Either I just peed my pants or my water just broke." She whimpered.

"Oh my..." I looked at our guests "someone call an ambulance! My wife is in labor!"


Ali's legs wobbled and she fell down, her face showing fear and pain.

"ALI!" Aria cried as she rushed to her side, Spencer shortly following behind her.

Hanna started running off before I grabbed her arm. "Where are you going?" I asked worriedly.

"Em, I'm gonna get the car! Living in Rosewood my whole life taught me not to rely on the police department or an ambulance! Trust me on this one! Your wife is gonna to the hospital if that's the last thing I do, okay?!" She rushed out quickly.

I stood there shocked, at a loss of words.

"Earth to Emily Fields!" She snapped her fingers furiously in front of my face. "Go to your wife. SPENCER get the diaper bag, ARIA stay here with Emily and keep track of how far apart her contractions are!" She shouted as she ran to go get the car.

Spencer's face was white with shock but she bolted into our house getting the diaper bag. I took a shaky breath.

"Ali, baby, everything is going to be alright, okay? Just breathe for me baby, Aria and I are going to help you to the car;" I looked at Aria and she nodded. "on the count of, two, three!"

We successfully lift Ali off the lawn and with Aria's help I shifted her into my arms bridal style. "Emily?" She cried.

"What is it my love?"

The tears started to roll down her cheeks. "They're gonna have to cut my dress off. We didn't even get any pictures yet." She sobbed.

"Ali, we have some of the kiss on camera!" Ashley called out.

EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now